Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Something new.

I'm still running with Jake but I wanted to find a way to get out and do more and meet more people. So I started browsing the internet for weight loss and exercise tips and came across an exercise group training thing that was called Florida's only boot camp. I emailed the co-owner and after emailing her back and forth I have decided to give it a shot. Its 180 for one month, but that included a fitness assessment, nutritional assessment with ongoing help, and it is 3 days a week for 4 weeks. A total of 12 sessions. I figured that is doesn't hurt to try it out. I have my fitness assessment on Monday, which will include a 1 mile walk/run, a sit up test and a push up test. I'm very excited! A little nervouse about the push up test because my elbows pop and grind when I do push ups.

I finished a 104 page job for Rossann yesterday (and that was only half of it because she did the last half), and today she sent me 187 pages! This is so awesome. From what she told mom she will have six more very similar in the weeks to come. That is very encouraging since I have wanted to get more work. Glad to hear that things are going well for everyone.

Oh, and a side note Jake and I are still improving our running time. I had a really hard time today but we finished our first mile in 12:53 and ended at 27:49. Not much of an improvement, but every little bit helps. And I've lost 2 pounds! yay!

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