Todd went in for his interview and they had filled the G.M. position in Park City but wanted to know if he would be interested in a resort they are currently purchasing in Moab, Utah. So he's sent them his resume and they seemed really interested in him so we'll see it would start in the middle on November if he got it. It would be a great work oppurtunity for him and I'm really excited for him.
Brooks had his first soccer game saturday and he scored three goals, but he's not counting one because the boy that was trying to kick the ball away from him helped kick it in. He loves soccer, he'll also be starting flag football this next week, and is really excited. That was Todd's favorite as a little kid.
Larry I'll see what I can do about finding out your high school times. That's great that the girls are swimming. Julie has started on a Masters Swim Team (that's for old folks) and she said that their whole work out the other day was in butterfly. I know that they would have had to give my C.P.R. I can totally see Heather as a little reporter, I'm glad she's found something that she really enjoys. I'm reading a series of books that are great and a really fast read. The first on is the Lighting Theif (or it might be Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief). They really suck you in and you get brushed up on your Greek Mythology. I don't know how those Greeks kept eveything and everyone straight. But it did help me answer the million dollar question on Are you smarter than a 5th grader.
Bethany, I'm way excited about your running, way to go. I can't believe that I actually have really learned to like running (except in Star Valley were I felt like is was sucking in major wind). That's great Jake's been doing it with you, I wish Todd would start with me. We still play volleyball every saturday night and we start women's church volleyball this week. With as much of us that play every week we should be pretty good, excpet we've picked up a lot of bad habits from the guys. So I'm sure we'll get a lot of illegal hits called on us at first.
I'm still trying to get Julie to even at least read the blog she says Greg has been, and if so we'd like to hear from at least you Greg. Tomarrow we get peaches from Willard Bay (Callie Nebecker) and start to put them up. Becky helped me make a killer pie crust this weekend to we'll have fresh peach pie, we had banana cream today that was really good. I love to get on the site and see who had written so please everyone keep it up. I'm going to help Dad set up a log in so he can do it too. Love and miss all of you that are away.
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