Friday, September 28, 2007


Lana finally someone feels our pain. Having two girls in softball is very challanging. Two games a week isn't bad. We divide and conquer alot here. Our fall league is almost over. Hanalee's team won their first game on Wednesday, they are really excited about the first win. At least now they know that they can win. Daphne's team has won all but one game, they have more experience than Hanalee's team. Thank You Mom for going to watch the girls play ball this fall. They love having somone other than me their. We are all doing great. Miles and Hanalee went back to school on Monday (yeah). I really miss them at times, but I sure do get more done with them gone. We had some water come into the house sometime in the last two or three weeks. I found it in my craft room, not too long before heading to work last week. I lost very little scrap stuff and the carpet. We put a new vinyl floor down. We think one of the kids left the water on outside(we have hoses on both faucets). We now know that we need to be more dilligent in checking the faucets. We are really loving the cooler tempertures and fall weather. Love and miss you all.

Softball Clan.

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