Monday, November 1, 2010


I am freaking out after reading that Cody has a girlfriend. Is he old enough for that? Is he really 15? Deep breathing, this is normal right? That he goes from little whipper snapper to Boyfriend? He looks so cute, and the girl is cute too, I hope that Homecoming was a great experience for him!

As for my job, I am loving it, my patients are wonderful and so kind. I know this is a great place for me. I love having a manager and fellow employees that actually care about each other. Our Dr's are wonderful and so compassionate and willing to really make sure that everyone knows what is going on and way etc... It has been such a wonderful transition that I am excited to see what happens.

So I finally saw the GI specialist and had a bunch of tests and I have officially been diagnosed with Colitis. They don't think this caused the arthritis, but is possibly aggravating it, so we are treating everything right now, it seems to be helping so we will see how that pans out, I have like 4 Dr's appt's next week so I will let you know how that goes. The rheumatologist has officially diagnosed me with Inflammatory Arthritis and we are treating that too, so we will see how things go....

Over all I think things are going quite well, the family is good, Timmy is working a crazy amount of hours to get ready for and FDA inspection at his work. Mom and Dad are celebrating their 36th wedding anniversary tonight (dinner and a play). Nate and Tasha and their kids are doing good! Whitney is still playing soccer, Hunter just finished football, Taylor just finished up Flag football. Jonathan and Evets are doing good. Garrett is enjoying kindergarten, Clara is running around like a maniac, and she is quick and hard to catch sometimes. Everyone is getting bigger and bigger every time that I blink.

We are going to have family pictures in the next couple of weeks so when that happens I will post them for everyone.

I heard that Corby and his wife are expecting, congratulations! I know that Meagan is pregnant, not sure when she is due? Soon I would think????

I am so happy that things are going well, for everyone, would love to hear from everyone too! Talk to you all soon!

Miss you and love you all!


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