OMG, where on earth has the time gone?!? Must be busy with school and kids and such. Things for my reporters have been scary slow...thank goodness Jamie is pretty steady. Stan is back at Bridgewater with a ridiculously full plate: athletic director, soccer coach, mentor...*sigh. The girls just won their way into the district tournament and will play a game against the No. 2 seed this evening (cross your fingers for Josie, et al.). Bethany and Jake are loving school...it's been a great fit for Bethany, too! Cody is doing well at school...we're hoping he doesn't get too distracted with his girlfriend (of course, if he does, that puts a total crimp in his social life...mainly, he won't have one). Please find attached a couple pictures from his FIRST HOMECOMING DANCE! Her name is Elizabeth and she is darling. (Stan knows her mother who has been a substitute teacher for him.) Wish she would have been his fifth or sixth girlfriend (it's so rare a first girlfriend is the one and only...and he is only 15...for another two months anyway...). Anyway, they had a total blast and that's really what it's all about...:)
Becky, so what did the specialist say about the irritable bowel stuff? My word, girl, what a horrid thing to be going through...
Love you all! Will post again soon...which is so subjective, I know...
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