I made homemade Cranberry Sauce it was Yummy.

These are the pies that I made, pumpkin, pecan, apple.

Larry and Michelle were with us this year, we loved being able to see them during the holidays!

LaNece, kids, Lynn, Janell

Cute Allie! or is iy Ally?

The girls all hanging out on the couch, Julie was reading a part of what Connor was Thankful for, he mailed a letter with it.

The line starts here

Mom, does she look stressed? We only had issues with the Turkey, you would think 5 hrs is enough time for one to cook, not so much this year!

Everyone dishing up!

Daphane, Heather, Kaliee cute as can be!

Larry and his trademark pointing finger to get his point across.

Jonathan and Clara, she is getting so big.

We got together with the Bell's and played some serious Nerts and had a great time!
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