Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all my family who is not with us today. We love you and miss you and wish you could enjoy the roast and potatoes with us and we chitchat and catch up on what is going on in our lives! May God bless you and prosper you in this season of giving and love!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Wishes
I think all adults get reflective at this time of year. Maybe its the Christmas season or knowing that another year has come and gone. It goes if we have accomplished the goals we set out for ourselves; or it just goes.
I want to wish everyone in the Robinson family a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.
If you haven't had the time to write or call Mom and Dad (Grandma and Grandpa) do it. They love to hear what you are doing and what is going on in your family.
Just a couple pictures of our annual trip to Temple Square to look at the lights.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thanksgiving Pics
I made homemade Cranberry Sauce it was Yummy.
These are the pies that I made, pumpkin, pecan, apple.
Larry and Michelle were with us this year, we loved being able to see them during the holidays!
LaNece, kids, Lynn, Janell
Cute Allie! or is iy Ally?
Where does the time go?
It freaks me out when I look at the calendar and realize the short amount of time left before Christmas. I have so much to do and it seems a smaller and smaller amount of time to do it in.
Lana, I am glad that you are doing well! It is good to hear from you and hear how you really are doing. I totally was laughing with the aging thing, I think I am having aging issues too, but I have just realized that there is not a whole lot I can do about them most of the time. I am glad that Stan's surgery went well, I wish I would have know, so I could remember him in my prayers. I have pictures from Thanksgiving here and hopefully will be able to post those soon. I want to express my sadness of you and your family not being here for the holiday, you were truly missed. As were Megan and Stewart and whoever else we were missing.
My life just gets more and more interesting everyday. I have recently been short 2 employee's and I am beginning to feel the stress of it. On top of that we are at our busiest time and I feel frazzled all the time. We hopefully will be getting new employee's soon, but until then I am way way way past stressed. I am trying to see the up side of things and hoping that I will be able to handle everything in front of me.
I am still in Young Women's and loving me time there. The girls really need a reality check some times and I think they are mostly happy about my honesty.
I have to run, Love you all where ever you are. Keep smiling and remember I am waiting to hear from you!
Lana, I am glad that you are doing well! It is good to hear from you and hear how you really are doing. I totally was laughing with the aging thing, I think I am having aging issues too, but I have just realized that there is not a whole lot I can do about them most of the time. I am glad that Stan's surgery went well, I wish I would have know, so I could remember him in my prayers. I have pictures from Thanksgiving here and hopefully will be able to post those soon. I want to express my sadness of you and your family not being here for the holiday, you were truly missed. As were Megan and Stewart and whoever else we were missing.
My life just gets more and more interesting everyday. I have recently been short 2 employee's and I am beginning to feel the stress of it. On top of that we are at our busiest time and I feel frazzled all the time. We hopefully will be getting new employee's soon, but until then I am way way way past stressed. I am trying to see the up side of things and hoping that I will be able to handle everything in front of me.
I am still in Young Women's and loving me time there. The girls really need a reality check some times and I think they are mostly happy about my honesty.
I have to run, Love you all where ever you are. Keep smiling and remember I am waiting to hear from you!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Alive and Kicking (still) in the Southeast
I sit here on a chilly Florida day (56 degrees), facing a long day of rain (Florida snow), feeling the tingle of true Christmas spirit for the first time in three years as I look out on what is finally starting to feel like home. But when it's Christmastime, my heart and thoughts are focused westward on my family.
I spoke with Nece the other day and haven't been able to get the blog off my mind...mostly because I'm filled with shame at how long it's been since I contributed. So I hop on and am immediately moved to tears by the food assignment for the holiday already gone. What on earth is wrong with me?!? I would say I cried for the food missed, but I'd be lying (Jake outdid himself with a phenomenal meal; his foodie planets were perfectly aligned, no lie! The mouth waters just remembering). I know I tear up for my family.
Stan is recovering nicely from another meniscectomy (same knee but 10 years later...guess nine marathons is the limit...?), which he had the DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING. *sigh* But already doing better, so that's all that matters. He's busy at school. He recently started a running club for the girls after school to develop a team. Josie, of course, loves it. Lately I think he's about had it with the middle-schoolers and wants to move to high school. However, Josie would kill him if he left before she was finished, though. We'll see...they're like the two musketeers, that daddy/daughter duo!
Cody is STILL in high school...and everything that goes along with THAT. He must rise early-early every morning (he catches the bus at 6:15 a.m.) and has been pretty good about getting himself out the door. On the mornings I run, I hate not seeing him off....though I hated it more the one morning I returned home to find him back to sleep on his bedroom floor, in his underwear, having missed the bus. That was one of those mornings he definitely was NOT pretty good about getting himself out the door. On his birthday, he'll be 15 so he can do the learner's permit thing here in FL...that is if we let him. ACK! I need guidance from siblings who have been through this. I'm terrified; Tampa, FL, is the most lethal city in the nation for teenage drivers.
Josie is playing soccer and running and just being a pre-teen...or pre-tween or whatever the heck they call them anymore. She ran the 5k Turkey Trot with us (no training) and beat me by almost 3 1/2 minutes...beat her brother too! She amazes me. I truly don't know what more to say about it. I find myself increasingly...increasingly...what is the right word? Sad? Fearful? Daunted? No, none of those...or ALL of those, I don't know. Maybe disturbed? Yeah, that will work. I find myself increasingly disturbed at watching my baby grow up. The last year has been this teeter-totter of "Oh crap, she's maturing," then "Whew, wait, she isn't"..."Oh crap"..."Whew"..."Oh crap"..."Whew." Now I fear there is nothing left but the "Oh crap" and I'm bugging.
(And now I'm going to weep and moan and gnash my teeth about aging, so you youngsters who may be reading should just go ahead and skip to the end, because you won't understand...I just have to get if off my chest, a catharsis really...)
I don't know if it's being away and watching nieces/nephews grow in seeming leaps and bounds, like some clay-mation character on steroids, but I find myself so taken aback. Because I feel the same as I've always felt inside, you know? And then I catch a glance of myself in the mirror (or out of some perverse masochistic impulse, choose to look closely on purpose) and the jig is up, as they say. WHAT IS HAPPENING? *sigh* And I find myself trying to reconcile what I see in the mirror with what I feel inside. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know all the platitudes by heart (and they're all true, by the way; yes, I AM only as young as I feel...uh, I guess). I'm sorry, this really isn't a serious middle-life's just my first (haha...if I weren't laughing, I would be crying = Platitude #2). I guess I'm just trying to adjust? No, shift? No, reconcile? (And yes, I know I already used that word but I'm beginning to think that's what aging is about...reconciling what's on the balance sheet with what's in the bank, so to speak...heh...) That's it, how to reconcile the beautiful, amazing, meaningful things I have gained with age to match/fit/equal who I know/wish/hope I am. Wow, that whole rant sounded much better in my head. Well, I did get it off my chest. I'll let you know later about the catharsis part.
ANYWAY...things are going well with me...seriously, I swear it's true, despite what you just read. Bethany and I have been keeping busy with work. The feast-or-famine nature has been mostly feast...sometimes small feast but feast nonetheless. I get extreme satisfaction from watching my family grow...except Josie...but she's so darn fun to watch playing soccer, I'll get over it. I've been working diligently at toning down my crazy-soccer-mom-cheering-at-every-move-on-the-field technique. (The first step was putting the brakes on "Get it, get it, get it!" and "Fast, fast, fast!" and "Beat her, beat her, beat her!" and the like, hollering at maximum lung-projection will be missed...but only by me, I suppose...) I've had a wonderful opportunity to chat with Cody every day since he started high school (it's like roles are reversed: now I hardly see Josie and Stan hardly sees Cody). And even when he's talking gaming (which is mostly), it's nice to connect. I've even achieved spontaneous declarations of affection and a few shoulder squeezes. Not too shabby...I'll take it.
Bethany and Jake are phenomenal but I will let her speak for him/ all good wives do. Just wanted my family to know how I miss you and how much I love you all. I am SO grateful for my roots. And though I'm lousy at keeping in touch (and endlessly stuck on that road to h**l paved with proverbial good intentions), please know you are always in my heart. I could get off that road, you know; I could change...anything is possible if you just believe, right? (Oh my, that sounds like a Disney platitude, doesn't it?) But I do promise to try....
(Oh, brrr, it just dropped to 55 degrees...I have to go put some socks on!)
I spoke with Nece the other day and haven't been able to get the blog off my mind...mostly because I'm filled with shame at how long it's been since I contributed. So I hop on and am immediately moved to tears by the food assignment for the holiday already gone. What on earth is wrong with me?!? I would say I cried for the food missed, but I'd be lying (Jake outdid himself with a phenomenal meal; his foodie planets were perfectly aligned, no lie! The mouth waters just remembering). I know I tear up for my family.
Stan is recovering nicely from another meniscectomy (same knee but 10 years later...guess nine marathons is the limit...?), which he had the DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING. *sigh* But already doing better, so that's all that matters. He's busy at school. He recently started a running club for the girls after school to develop a team. Josie, of course, loves it. Lately I think he's about had it with the middle-schoolers and wants to move to high school. However, Josie would kill him if he left before she was finished, though. We'll see...they're like the two musketeers, that daddy/daughter duo!
Cody is STILL in high school...and everything that goes along with THAT. He must rise early-early every morning (he catches the bus at 6:15 a.m.) and has been pretty good about getting himself out the door. On the mornings I run, I hate not seeing him off....though I hated it more the one morning I returned home to find him back to sleep on his bedroom floor, in his underwear, having missed the bus. That was one of those mornings he definitely was NOT pretty good about getting himself out the door. On his birthday, he'll be 15 so he can do the learner's permit thing here in FL...that is if we let him. ACK! I need guidance from siblings who have been through this. I'm terrified; Tampa, FL, is the most lethal city in the nation for teenage drivers.
Josie is playing soccer and running and just being a pre-teen...or pre-tween or whatever the heck they call them anymore. She ran the 5k Turkey Trot with us (no training) and beat me by almost 3 1/2 minutes...beat her brother too! She amazes me. I truly don't know what more to say about it. I find myself increasingly...increasingly...what is the right word? Sad? Fearful? Daunted? No, none of those...or ALL of those, I don't know. Maybe disturbed? Yeah, that will work. I find myself increasingly disturbed at watching my baby grow up. The last year has been this teeter-totter of "Oh crap, she's maturing," then "Whew, wait, she isn't"..."Oh crap"..."Whew"..."Oh crap"..."Whew." Now I fear there is nothing left but the "Oh crap" and I'm bugging.
(And now I'm going to weep and moan and gnash my teeth about aging, so you youngsters who may be reading should just go ahead and skip to the end, because you won't understand...I just have to get if off my chest, a catharsis really...)
I don't know if it's being away and watching nieces/nephews grow in seeming leaps and bounds, like some clay-mation character on steroids, but I find myself so taken aback. Because I feel the same as I've always felt inside, you know? And then I catch a glance of myself in the mirror (or out of some perverse masochistic impulse, choose to look closely on purpose) and the jig is up, as they say. WHAT IS HAPPENING? *sigh* And I find myself trying to reconcile what I see in the mirror with what I feel inside. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know all the platitudes by heart (and they're all true, by the way; yes, I AM only as young as I feel...uh, I guess). I'm sorry, this really isn't a serious middle-life's just my first (haha...if I weren't laughing, I would be crying = Platitude #2). I guess I'm just trying to adjust? No, shift? No, reconcile? (And yes, I know I already used that word but I'm beginning to think that's what aging is about...reconciling what's on the balance sheet with what's in the bank, so to speak...heh...) That's it, how to reconcile the beautiful, amazing, meaningful things I have gained with age to match/fit/equal who I know/wish/hope I am. Wow, that whole rant sounded much better in my head. Well, I did get it off my chest. I'll let you know later about the catharsis part.
ANYWAY...things are going well with me...seriously, I swear it's true, despite what you just read. Bethany and I have been keeping busy with work. The feast-or-famine nature has been mostly feast...sometimes small feast but feast nonetheless. I get extreme satisfaction from watching my family grow...except Josie...but she's so darn fun to watch playing soccer, I'll get over it. I've been working diligently at toning down my crazy-soccer-mom-cheering-at-every-move-on-the-field technique. (The first step was putting the brakes on "Get it, get it, get it!" and "Fast, fast, fast!" and "Beat her, beat her, beat her!" and the like, hollering at maximum lung-projection will be missed...but only by me, I suppose...) I've had a wonderful opportunity to chat with Cody every day since he started high school (it's like roles are reversed: now I hardly see Josie and Stan hardly sees Cody). And even when he's talking gaming (which is mostly), it's nice to connect. I've even achieved spontaneous declarations of affection and a few shoulder squeezes. Not too shabby...I'll take it.
Bethany and Jake are phenomenal but I will let her speak for him/ all good wives do. Just wanted my family to know how I miss you and how much I love you all. I am SO grateful for my roots. And though I'm lousy at keeping in touch (and endlessly stuck on that road to h**l paved with proverbial good intentions), please know you are always in my heart. I could get off that road, you know; I could change...anything is possible if you just believe, right? (Oh my, that sounds like a Disney platitude, doesn't it?) But I do promise to try....
(Oh, brrr, it just dropped to 55 degrees...I have to go put some socks on!)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to all my family that can not be here with is today! We miss you and speak of you often. May the Lord bless you and keep you and watch over you on this day of thanks!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Andreason Update
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
Well its that fall season of the year again, and believe it or not Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks. How does time fly by so quickly? The Robinson family is gathering at my house on Thanksgiving to feast this year. It looks like Larry and Michelle and part of their family will be attending; its been a few years since they were back for Thanksgiving.
We have made some food assignments that I am posting here. I will also e-mail or call you.
1 Salad (not green) - Lynn & Janelle
1 Salad ( not green) - Larry & Michelle
1 Salad ( not green) - Nathan & Tasha
Green Beans - Greg & Julie
Sweet Potatoes - Jack & Colleen
Turkey & Ham - Jack & Colleen
Gravey - Jack & Colleen
Stuffing - Mom
Mashed Potatoes - Dad
Funeral Potatoes - Greg & Julie
Rolls - Todd & LaNece
Cranberry Sauce - Mom
Deviled Eggs - Mom
Jon & Evets Wood
Todd & LaNece
Rebecca Wood
Lynn & Janelle
Greg & Julie
We planning on about 36 in attendance, we will miss the household from Florida. Stan and Janet will be attending with her family in Cedar City, if any members of their family are not going please contact LaNece. Please come and enjoy.
Love you all so much.
We have made some food assignments that I am posting here. I will also e-mail or call you.
1 Salad (not green) - Lynn & Janelle
1 Salad ( not green) - Larry & Michelle
1 Salad ( not green) - Nathan & Tasha
Green Beans - Greg & Julie
Sweet Potatoes - Jack & Colleen
Turkey & Ham - Jack & Colleen
Gravey - Jack & Colleen
Stuffing - Mom
Mashed Potatoes - Dad
Funeral Potatoes - Greg & Julie
Rolls - Todd & LaNece
Cranberry Sauce - Mom
Deviled Eggs - Mom
Jon & Evets Wood
Todd & LaNece
Rebecca Wood
Lynn & Janelle
Greg & Julie
We planning on about 36 in attendance, we will miss the household from Florida. Stan and Janet will be attending with her family in Cedar City, if any members of their family are not going please contact LaNece. Please come and enjoy.
Love you all so much.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hello everyone!
Thanks Bethany for taking care of all that stuff with the blog I really appreciate it.
It looks like Brooks had a great time at the RSL game! He is so much fun! I love that we get to sit by him in church and he is becoming quite the artist. He and my mom draw all kinds of wonderful things. I hope that he continues to develop this talent!
I hope things are going good for everyone else in the family! It sounds like work has picked back up for you Bethany, that is great! How is Jake doing with school? How is the weather down there? Did you get that job Meg? How are things going with the house sitting? How is Stewart? (hope I didn't spell that wrong)
Just a quick update on me, I am working busy as usual. We will be losing one of my employee's in a few weeks so it's back to hiring a new person and getting them trained! I can only hope we get someone as nice and as lovely as my newest employee Amanda, she is the nicest and the most attentive person here! She is always listening to patients and trying to figure out what they need so they don't get transferred over and over and so they end up in the right place.
I am still in Young Women's and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. Beside some tension between a couple of the leaders we are doing relatively well. My girls are wonderful and always are trying to get things done and are really hard workers.
On the family front, my mom and dad are great! They just celebrated their 35th wedding aniversary on Sunday November 1st. My dad just got back from a hunting trip in North Dakota. Timmy is working hard at his job and also beef's up golf cart, snowmobiles, 4 wheelers etc... on the side and he is busy doing that 3-4 nights a week. Jonathan, Evets, Garrett, and Clara are all doing well! We had got to watch the kids for that last couple of weekends and for the next couple too! I thinks it's a great opportunity to get to know them better and bond with them! Nathan, Tasha, Whitney, Hunter, Taylor are all doing ok. Hunter and Taylor where sick for Halloween so that is sad. When I talked to Tasha last night she said that they are doing ok, not great, but not too bad. Whitney has become a voracious reader and I love to hear what she is reading as it is a great opportunity to learn about other great books that are out there. She has also really gotten great on the piano, when she had lessons at our house I love to sit in on them because they are great and she is really becoming quite accomplished! Hunter is just finishing up football, and Taylor finished up his soccer a couple of weeks ago. I am not sure if Whitney is done with soccer yet or not?
Well I have to get back to work! Love you all
Thanks Bethany for taking care of all that stuff with the blog I really appreciate it.
It looks like Brooks had a great time at the RSL game! He is so much fun! I love that we get to sit by him in church and he is becoming quite the artist. He and my mom draw all kinds of wonderful things. I hope that he continues to develop this talent!
I hope things are going good for everyone else in the family! It sounds like work has picked back up for you Bethany, that is great! How is Jake doing with school? How is the weather down there? Did you get that job Meg? How are things going with the house sitting? How is Stewart? (hope I didn't spell that wrong)
Just a quick update on me, I am working busy as usual. We will be losing one of my employee's in a few weeks so it's back to hiring a new person and getting them trained! I can only hope we get someone as nice and as lovely as my newest employee Amanda, she is the nicest and the most attentive person here! She is always listening to patients and trying to figure out what they need so they don't get transferred over and over and so they end up in the right place.
I am still in Young Women's and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. Beside some tension between a couple of the leaders we are doing relatively well. My girls are wonderful and always are trying to get things done and are really hard workers.
On the family front, my mom and dad are great! They just celebrated their 35th wedding aniversary on Sunday November 1st. My dad just got back from a hunting trip in North Dakota. Timmy is working hard at his job and also beef's up golf cart, snowmobiles, 4 wheelers etc... on the side and he is busy doing that 3-4 nights a week. Jonathan, Evets, Garrett, and Clara are all doing well! We had got to watch the kids for that last couple of weekends and for the next couple too! I thinks it's a great opportunity to get to know them better and bond with them! Nathan, Tasha, Whitney, Hunter, Taylor are all doing ok. Hunter and Taylor where sick for Halloween so that is sad. When I talked to Tasha last night she said that they are doing ok, not great, but not too bad. Whitney has become a voracious reader and I love to hear what she is reading as it is a great opportunity to learn about other great books that are out there. She has also really gotten great on the piano, when she had lessons at our house I love to sit in on them because they are great and she is really becoming quite accomplished! Hunter is just finishing up football, and Taylor finished up his soccer a couple of weeks ago. I am not sure if Whitney is done with soccer yet or not?
Well I have to get back to work! Love you all
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Okay. Sorry this took so long. I haven't been on the blog in so long. I just wanted to leave a quick note to say that I changed Colleen to an administrator. Meg, your email addy on the blog permissions was when I moved over to check so someone must have done that :-)
Glad to read that everyone is doing well. That makes me very happy.
Love and miss you all,
Glad to read that everyone is doing well. That makes me very happy.
Love and miss you all,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Andreason Update
Todd got a new job up in Deer Valley at the St. Regis Hotel (can you believe he wants to drive that again?). He is really excited they open up in November so he has been doing a ton of interviews trying to get his staff all filled.
Brooks is playing flag football again and loving it. He is pretty dang fast if I don't say so myself. And he loves to play football. This spring I'm going to try and talk him into playing baseball instead of soccer and give it one more chance. He played a couple years ago and said "it's so boring"!!!!!
Tatum is loving Kindergarten (can anyone else believe she's that old) her teacher is Mrs. Allen and she seems really nice. She already knows her letters and sounds but she loves going to school.
Christmas list update: We are not doing the adult gift exchange this year. We decided with the economy and everything we will just focus on the kids.
Older kids list (junior high to high school)
Lori-has Hanalee Daphne-has Paige Hanalee-has Cody Cody-has Daphne Heather-has Lori
Paige-has Allyson Allyson-has Heather
Younger kids list
Miles-has Whitney Josie-has Brooks Brooks-has Miles Tatum-has Josie Whitney-has Clara Hunter-has Garrett
Taylor-has Tatum Garrett-has Hunter Clara-has Taylor
If you have any questions call or email me. I just love the fall when the weather starts cooling down. We also have MLB playoffs. Go Dodgers the just barely pulled off their 2nd win against St. Louis tonight. I am doing great if you can count running around like a chicken with it's head cut off great. I started taking cooking classes once a month again. The teacher that I really enjoy has a great blog with recipes on it if any ones interested. For the family reunion Colleen and I were going to do a family cook book and have if published so be thinking of recipes that you would like to put in. You can email me or just copy them and we will put them in for you. I love and miss all the family that is away. Does anyone know can Conner get on this to update his mission?
Love ya,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Happy October
Hello all,
Just wanted to bring you up to date on everything that is going on in my life.
Quick note for Megan, Jake has the rights to add you to the blog with the new e-mail address. If Bethany or Jake is reading this will you add her, and is there a way that we can also make my mom a manager of the blog? That would help with adding people here.
Me and mom got back from Washington DC a almost 2 wks ago and I am still trying to get caught up on my blog about it. If you haven't checked out my blog here is a link . We had a great time and ran ourselves ragged. We had a blast though and even learned some new things about myself and conquering fear! We didn't rent a car so we rode the Metro everywhere we went sometimes to our detriment. We saw all kinds of cool things and do all kinds of cool stuff and I will have to post pictures on my next post because I don't think that my camera has enough battery to try to download here at work.
I am really enjoying the girls I get to work with in Young Womens, at times this calling does feel overwhelming and then just when you least expect it something will happen, something profound and you realize that it was all worth the time, energy, sweat, tears and heartache. I love those ah ha moments when the girls have break-through's and realize that maybe they should be thinking about consequences for their actions before they head in the wrong direction. This month I have been in charge of 2 different activities an Unhappy Birthday Party, and our quarterly Book club. Both activities went extremely well and I had lots of fun doing them.
On the work front we have started picking back up patient wise and we are constantly busy, not overwhelmingly but a constant flow. I image it will continue at least through the Flu season and maybe beyond if we continue to see the economy improve. I work with a group of girls that are very friendly and I love working with them.
The bummer of this post is that it is like 37 degrees outside and most of my garden is gone. I picked all of the remaining peppers, eggplant, peas, tomatoes etc... last night and I covered the tomatoes in the hope that they will not freeze. I have had a bumper crop since returning from DC, last weekend I bottled 21 quarts of tomatoes alone, and I think I probably have that many on the vine waiting to ripen, so I guess I will see when I get home how well I did.
Yesterday was Timmy's birthday, today is Nathan's birthday and that just means more baking to make them happy. I need to make a German Chocolate cake for Timmy and Apple Pie for Nathan so much much more to do!
I am glad that some else has gotten on and blogged so I don't feel like such a dork. I really enjoy reading about what everyone is doing especially since I don't see a lot of you more then 1 maybe 2 times a year.
I am so glad that we get to communicate with everyone so we all know what's going on. So here is the wake-up call to everyone out there that has not posted! I know that you have done something over the summer and I want to know about it. I am so proud of Megan going back to school, and Bethany for working so hard and holding on to her dreams! I want to know everyone else just as well.
Hope to hear from you all SOON! Love you all more then words can describe!
Just wanted to bring you up to date on everything that is going on in my life.
Quick note for Megan, Jake has the rights to add you to the blog with the new e-mail address. If Bethany or Jake is reading this will you add her, and is there a way that we can also make my mom a manager of the blog? That would help with adding people here.
Me and mom got back from Washington DC a almost 2 wks ago and I am still trying to get caught up on my blog about it. If you haven't checked out my blog here is a link . We had a great time and ran ourselves ragged. We had a blast though and even learned some new things about myself and conquering fear! We didn't rent a car so we rode the Metro everywhere we went sometimes to our detriment. We saw all kinds of cool things and do all kinds of cool stuff and I will have to post pictures on my next post because I don't think that my camera has enough battery to try to download here at work.
I am really enjoying the girls I get to work with in Young Womens, at times this calling does feel overwhelming and then just when you least expect it something will happen, something profound and you realize that it was all worth the time, energy, sweat, tears and heartache. I love those ah ha moments when the girls have break-through's and realize that maybe they should be thinking about consequences for their actions before they head in the wrong direction. This month I have been in charge of 2 different activities an Unhappy Birthday Party, and our quarterly Book club. Both activities went extremely well and I had lots of fun doing them.
On the work front we have started picking back up patient wise and we are constantly busy, not overwhelmingly but a constant flow. I image it will continue at least through the Flu season and maybe beyond if we continue to see the economy improve. I work with a group of girls that are very friendly and I love working with them.
The bummer of this post is that it is like 37 degrees outside and most of my garden is gone. I picked all of the remaining peppers, eggplant, peas, tomatoes etc... last night and I covered the tomatoes in the hope that they will not freeze. I have had a bumper crop since returning from DC, last weekend I bottled 21 quarts of tomatoes alone, and I think I probably have that many on the vine waiting to ripen, so I guess I will see when I get home how well I did.
Yesterday was Timmy's birthday, today is Nathan's birthday and that just means more baking to make them happy. I need to make a German Chocolate cake for Timmy and Apple Pie for Nathan so much much more to do!
I am glad that some else has gotten on and blogged so I don't feel like such a dork. I really enjoy reading about what everyone is doing especially since I don't see a lot of you more then 1 maybe 2 times a year.
I am so glad that we get to communicate with everyone so we all know what's going on. So here is the wake-up call to everyone out there that has not posted! I know that you have done something over the summer and I want to know about it. I am so proud of Megan going back to school, and Bethany for working so hard and holding on to her dreams! I want to know everyone else just as well.
Hope to hear from you all SOON! Love you all more then words can describe!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hey all. I changed my email address and am in the long long process of changing everything else that an email address connects's grueling. It was just easier to say my name is Meg Sprunt and my email is versus explaining why my email is megmrobinson@gmail. And it's easier to write out.
That leads me to my request. Would someone mind sending an invitation to that email to participate in the blog? That would be most appreciated.
Until then I'll post a quick update. Stuart was able to get into a math class and now goes from work to school until 7:30 on Tuesday and Thursday. I was able to get into my classes and attend on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Not ideal, but we'll take it. I just got my results for our latest exam and the two proceeding quizzes and I got the top score on my exam and the first quiz!
Stuart is still working at the Target Fulfillment center. Basically if you order something from (especially shoes) his warehouse will process and ship it out to you. If I remember right the warehouse is nearly a million square feet! He works specifically with the forklifts and moving large pallets of merchandise around. His superiors have noticed his hard work and from what I understand he is getting a sort of promotion. He said he would start training for a position with more responsibility. Something like that. Either way we have been really blessed with this job.
The Lewis couple that we take care of are doing well. It's really hard to see Jo, the wife, in such a condition though. She's aware enough to know that she should remember things but she just doesn't. There is a slight concern that came up yesterday. I don't have the heart to ask Bud, the husband, but we don't know what would happen to us if Jo died. We live in their guest house under the condition that we take care of Jo and her needs but if she weren't here anymore Bud can take care of himself and we may need to search for another place to live.
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions? I'm trying to figure out what to do for the holidays and what traditions to implement. I know I love Black Friday shopping (Even though I'll have to do it this year with significantly weakened forces due to my family being in Utah for the beloved, dangerously early shopping spree.)
To end, please send an invite to! Thanks!
That leads me to my request. Would someone mind sending an invitation to that email to participate in the blog? That would be most appreciated.
Until then I'll post a quick update. Stuart was able to get into a math class and now goes from work to school until 7:30 on Tuesday and Thursday. I was able to get into my classes and attend on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Not ideal, but we'll take it. I just got my results for our latest exam and the two proceeding quizzes and I got the top score on my exam and the first quiz!
Stuart is still working at the Target Fulfillment center. Basically if you order something from (especially shoes) his warehouse will process and ship it out to you. If I remember right the warehouse is nearly a million square feet! He works specifically with the forklifts and moving large pallets of merchandise around. His superiors have noticed his hard work and from what I understand he is getting a sort of promotion. He said he would start training for a position with more responsibility. Something like that. Either way we have been really blessed with this job.
The Lewis couple that we take care of are doing well. It's really hard to see Jo, the wife, in such a condition though. She's aware enough to know that she should remember things but she just doesn't. There is a slight concern that came up yesterday. I don't have the heart to ask Bud, the husband, but we don't know what would happen to us if Jo died. We live in their guest house under the condition that we take care of Jo and her needs but if she weren't here anymore Bud can take care of himself and we may need to search for another place to live.
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions? I'm trying to figure out what to do for the holidays and what traditions to implement. I know I love Black Friday shopping (Even though I'll have to do it this year with significantly weakened forces due to my family being in Utah for the beloved, dangerously early shopping spree.)
To end, please send an invite to! Thanks!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Florida Crew update
Sorry that it has been so long everyone. There is never a whole lot going on with me so I forget to hop on and share. The Florida crew did make it home nice and safe. It was so great to see them! I was so lonely. It would've been so wonderful to see you all. I have to admit that I'm quite jealous for missing out on all the family fun. Hee hee.
Jake is doing well. He quit smoking and has been smoke free since July. His job is keeping him busy, but not too busy. Yesterday was his first day of school. Right now he's just taking one class (math) to get a feel for what he'll be able to handle next semester. The math class is only once a week, Friday 5:15 to 9:30-ish. This includes the lab. I think that he'll do well. I'm also very proud of him for making this decision to take a big step forward. :-) It's about time he jumped in and got his feet wet.
Things are going well for me, I suppose. I'm a little stress right now about money (the one thing Jake says is stupid to stress over and that I should never stress it.) July was a good work month for me, but August came and went with hardly any work. $74.50 was my grand total for August. I'm going to go and apply for a position with Orange County Public Schools in the Food and Nutrition Services Department. Three and a half to five hours a day, $135-$190 a week. It would be a good part-time job for me. I found another band to sing with but they're not playing out much so I'm looking for something on the side because I really want to sing more. The search goes on...
Everybody is back in school now. Cody started high school and seems to be enjoying it so far. Josie is now in middle school and loving it. She loves her teachers. She went to the soccer tryouts and earned herself a spot on the school team! My mom is working hard and keeping busy. My dad is doing what he does best. :-) All in all everyone is doing great. I'll leave the family details to my mom. I need to get her behind back on the blog anyway.
Love you all! Miss you like crazy!
Jake is doing well. He quit smoking and has been smoke free since July. His job is keeping him busy, but not too busy. Yesterday was his first day of school. Right now he's just taking one class (math) to get a feel for what he'll be able to handle next semester. The math class is only once a week, Friday 5:15 to 9:30-ish. This includes the lab. I think that he'll do well. I'm also very proud of him for making this decision to take a big step forward. :-) It's about time he jumped in and got his feet wet.
Things are going well for me, I suppose. I'm a little stress right now about money (the one thing Jake says is stupid to stress over and that I should never stress it.) July was a good work month for me, but August came and went with hardly any work. $74.50 was my grand total for August. I'm going to go and apply for a position with Orange County Public Schools in the Food and Nutrition Services Department. Three and a half to five hours a day, $135-$190 a week. It would be a good part-time job for me. I found another band to sing with but they're not playing out much so I'm looking for something on the side because I really want to sing more. The search goes on...
Everybody is back in school now. Cody started high school and seems to be enjoying it so far. Josie is now in middle school and loving it. She loves her teachers. She went to the soccer tryouts and earned herself a spot on the school team! My mom is working hard and keeping busy. My dad is doing what he does best. :-) All in all everyone is doing great. I'll leave the family details to my mom. I need to get her behind back on the blog anyway.
Love you all! Miss you like crazy!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Canning time
Well family it is that time of year again, when we start canning all of the yummy stuff from our garden. This year I have been visiting a local farmers market on friday's and picking up some kind of local produce to bottle or put up. So far I have done, carrots (from my own garden), green beans, peaches, pears, apricots (jam, puree, and halfs), pickles, applesauce, strawberry and rasberry jam, and chicken. I have had a lot of fun doing this and spending time with my mom, who has so graciously helped. Last Saturday we spent all day doing this, I was up at 6 am mom was up at 9:30am and the last batch of stuff we processed came out at 11:54pm. It truly has been a lot of work but I think it will be well worth it. I was going to post some picutre but it doesn't look like it will let me at the moment so maybe later on, I will be able to do that.
As for me, I am doing great! Young Womens is going well, and I have been trying to attend the temple once a week which I think has been a great blessing in my life. Work is work but I enjoy most of the people that I work with so that is great! It does annoy me when people can't seem to figure things out for themselves, but that too will pass.
I hope that everyone is doing well, and that the Florida crew got home safe and sound. I would love to hear more from everyone!
Talk to you soon
Love you all
As for me, I am doing great! Young Womens is going well, and I have been trying to attend the temple once a week which I think has been a great blessing in my life. Work is work but I enjoy most of the people that I work with so that is great! It does annoy me when people can't seem to figure things out for themselves, but that too will pass.
I hope that everyone is doing well, and that the Florida crew got home safe and sound. I would love to hear more from everyone!
Talk to you soon
Love you all
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hi All,
I figured that I would help out Becky who seems to have shouldered the burden of the blog. Actually to be totally honest this is the first time I have logged on in months but I'm going to try to do better!
Stuart and I got a house...Kinda. We are helping an elderly couple who need long term assistance and they let us live in their guest house. It's a cute little one bedroom house and I have no complaints other than what it lacks in the kitchen. (no oven/range top, garbage disposal, or dishwasher) But we have managed. It does have a nice microwave convection oven but I am not sure how to really work it.
Stuart started his job at the Target warehouse. They call it the Fulfillment Center though I don't know why. Due to lacking management at my job I have been trying to get a job there with him and I go in for an interview this Friday.
My school starts tomorrow...OMIGOONESS! School starts tomorrow. That fact had escaped me until right now! Well, I am going back to Pima in hopes of attaining a license in dental hygiene. While it is not my life long dream to clean people's teeth it is important to me that we have something to keep us afloat while Stu has many many years of school ahead of him. (He is going to be an orthodontist.)
That's kinda where we are right now. Like the primary song that has been running through my head the past day, "We are a happy family!" :) I had better figure out what time my classes are and what books I need. :) Talk to you all later
Love ya, Meg
I figured that I would help out Becky who seems to have shouldered the burden of the blog. Actually to be totally honest this is the first time I have logged on in months but I'm going to try to do better!
Stuart and I got a house...Kinda. We are helping an elderly couple who need long term assistance and they let us live in their guest house. It's a cute little one bedroom house and I have no complaints other than what it lacks in the kitchen. (no oven/range top, garbage disposal, or dishwasher) But we have managed. It does have a nice microwave convection oven but I am not sure how to really work it.
Stuart started his job at the Target warehouse. They call it the Fulfillment Center though I don't know why. Due to lacking management at my job I have been trying to get a job there with him and I go in for an interview this Friday.
My school starts tomorrow...OMIGOONESS! School starts tomorrow. That fact had escaped me until right now! Well, I am going back to Pima in hopes of attaining a license in dental hygiene. While it is not my life long dream to clean people's teeth it is important to me that we have something to keep us afloat while Stu has many many years of school ahead of him. (He is going to be an orthodontist.)
That's kinda where we are right now. Like the primary song that has been running through my head the past day, "We are a happy family!" :) I had better figure out what time my classes are and what books I need. :) Talk to you all later
Love ya, Meg
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Long Time no Blog
Hello everyone,
Here is just a few things I have been doing, Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house, watched baby Clara, went to dinner with my friends!
Just wanted to quickly update you. At my friends request, I have set up my own blog which I have kind of kept like a journal, so if you would like to get a quick update check it out on
I hope to keep things up to date and do that journal writing that everyone has been telling me I should be doing.
Love you all!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
hello again
Hello All again,
I am starting to feel like this is my personal journal, but I was shooting for once a month so here we go.As some of you already know, last week 06/29/09 I had heart surgery. More specifically a SVT ablation. I am so lucky to have inherited a lovely heart arrythimeia from the Lefford side of the family. SVT is a really rapid heart rate, that until 6-9 months ago I was able to control with meds. The meds stopped working and so surgery was the next best thing. After surgery I am feeling better just still really tired. It looks like I will probably have to have it again because I am still having symptoms but they are less frequent and don't last as long. So that is great! Anything to feel better!
Other then that I am way excited to go to the family reunion this weekend. Hopefully we will get to do lots of fun stuff! I will try to post pictures next week sometime.
Baby Clara is doing good! She is cute as a doll, but she hates her carseat and screams almost always when she is in it! Garrett tries to calm her down by singing to her, but so far that had not worked.
Mom and I are planning a trip to Disneyland in September and also to see a couple of art museums so that should be fun!
Work has been really good, we have got some great people and everyone (except 1 person) is working well together which makes it really easy to get along, and less stress for me!
I hope all of you are doing well! I hope Florida and Arizona are not too hot yet!
Talk to everyone soon!
I am starting to feel like this is my personal journal, but I was shooting for once a month so here we go.As some of you already know, last week 06/29/09 I had heart surgery. More specifically a SVT ablation. I am so lucky to have inherited a lovely heart arrythimeia from the Lefford side of the family. SVT is a really rapid heart rate, that until 6-9 months ago I was able to control with meds. The meds stopped working and so surgery was the next best thing. After surgery I am feeling better just still really tired. It looks like I will probably have to have it again because I am still having symptoms but they are less frequent and don't last as long. So that is great! Anything to feel better!
Other then that I am way excited to go to the family reunion this weekend. Hopefully we will get to do lots of fun stuff! I will try to post pictures next week sometime.
Baby Clara is doing good! She is cute as a doll, but she hates her carseat and screams almost always when she is in it! Garrett tries to calm her down by singing to her, but so far that had not worked.
Mom and I are planning a trip to Disneyland in September and also to see a couple of art museums so that should be fun!
Work has been really good, we have got some great people and everyone (except 1 person) is working well together which makes it really easy to get along, and less stress for me!
I hope all of you are doing well! I hope Florida and Arizona are not too hot yet!
Talk to everyone soon!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Well it is official life is crazy. Everyday I feel like it gets worse and worse and then I blink and another month (not day but month) has flown by. So I don't know what everyone knows so here we go 5 months in my life
In January I was called to be the advisor to the MiaMaids class in our ward. Since then I have cried and prayed and prayed more and more everyday for direction with how to help 14-15 yr olds cope with life and drama. We had issues with girls not feeling included and then girls fighting about boys and talking inappropriately about boys. Now we have ex best friends trying to tear apart 5 months of hard work and bonding. Everyday something new and different.
Right now we are in the middle of a huge project, we are participating in a Temple Celebration to commemorate the opening of the Orquirh mountain temple. We have been having 2 plus practices a week for 3 months and now are preparing for a complete dress rehearsal on next Thursday at the conference center. We have had 3 practices already at the conference center. Our performance will be next Saturday May 30th. I am grateful to have the opportunity to participate in such a wonder thing. Right now though I am so tired and burned out that I am ready for it to be over. So far it has been a great experience for the kids and really seems to have turned them in the direction they should be headed.
As for work I have been working long hours and anticipate hiring another person soon. We had a bunch of really great applications and great interviews and I hope that we find someone soon. It is really causing a lot of stress on everyone.
I have gotten my garden up and running and hope to get a great harvest in the coming months. I have gotten some spinach and radishes so far, my peas are just coming on and my lettuce should be ready in the next week, my tomatoes are flowering so hopefully soon we will have some yummy tomatoes.
I have been doing a lot of scrap booking of my trip the last couple of months and the Ginormity of being where I was is really just hitting me. I think after just a few days of magic you get use to seeing amazing and fabulous things and you just go "that's cool" but looking back at somethings, I am now thinking OMG, that was amazing!
OK, now that I have babbled on and on, I want to comment on Bethany's post. Funny thing about the Irish Spring, my dad has been using Irish Spring as long as I can remember. So you probably saw and smelled it every time you were in the house. I love to remember the times when you were young, when we would play Barbies and you would sleep over. Going to the park, and doing all the fun things that we did. I even fondly remember your dinosaur eye patch, you were so proud of it. I truly miss you guys lots. I am hoping to come and visit for a couple of weeks next Spring! I hope you can take me around to all the best places. I don't want to burden anyone though so please help me figure out what I can do and not make things stressful for you :) I just thought 9 months or so of planning you guys could help me plan a great trip!
Well now I am rambling I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend. I love you all and miss you!
In January I was called to be the advisor to the MiaMaids class in our ward. Since then I have cried and prayed and prayed more and more everyday for direction with how to help 14-15 yr olds cope with life and drama. We had issues with girls not feeling included and then girls fighting about boys and talking inappropriately about boys. Now we have ex best friends trying to tear apart 5 months of hard work and bonding. Everyday something new and different.
Right now we are in the middle of a huge project, we are participating in a Temple Celebration to commemorate the opening of the Orquirh mountain temple. We have been having 2 plus practices a week for 3 months and now are preparing for a complete dress rehearsal on next Thursday at the conference center. We have had 3 practices already at the conference center. Our performance will be next Saturday May 30th. I am grateful to have the opportunity to participate in such a wonder thing. Right now though I am so tired and burned out that I am ready for it to be over. So far it has been a great experience for the kids and really seems to have turned them in the direction they should be headed.
As for work I have been working long hours and anticipate hiring another person soon. We had a bunch of really great applications and great interviews and I hope that we find someone soon. It is really causing a lot of stress on everyone.
I have gotten my garden up and running and hope to get a great harvest in the coming months. I have gotten some spinach and radishes so far, my peas are just coming on and my lettuce should be ready in the next week, my tomatoes are flowering so hopefully soon we will have some yummy tomatoes.
I have been doing a lot of scrap booking of my trip the last couple of months and the Ginormity of being where I was is really just hitting me. I think after just a few days of magic you get use to seeing amazing and fabulous things and you just go "that's cool" but looking back at somethings, I am now thinking OMG, that was amazing!
OK, now that I have babbled on and on, I want to comment on Bethany's post. Funny thing about the Irish Spring, my dad has been using Irish Spring as long as I can remember. So you probably saw and smelled it every time you were in the house. I love to remember the times when you were young, when we would play Barbies and you would sleep over. Going to the park, and doing all the fun things that we did. I even fondly remember your dinosaur eye patch, you were so proud of it. I truly miss you guys lots. I am hoping to come and visit for a couple of weeks next Spring! I hope you can take me around to all the best places. I don't want to burden anyone though so please help me figure out what I can do and not make things stressful for you :) I just thought 9 months or so of planning you guys could help me plan a great trip!
Well now I am rambling I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend. I love you all and miss you!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Just a quick story before I start working on my next job...
Have you ever had a scent trigger a childhood memory? Aren't those moments great? I had one shopping with my mom at Target. We were looking for a body wash for Cody and mom had me take a quick wiff of one. Well, I immediately thought about how the body wash reminded me of Irish Spring soap. Then BAM! My brain teleports me to Colleen's old house in Murray. (I'm not sure why the thought of Irish Spring soap reminds me of Colleen's house, but it does. maybe I remember seeing a bar of Irish Spring soap there before...) I remember spending days there when I was younger. Sleeping in Becky's room on her daybed pull out. Becky giving me her Rainbow Bright pajamas. It was a blue nightgown. I even remembered when she gave me a couple of her Nancy Drew books! All those little memories brought a smile right to my face... I really miss you all! I miss you so very much.
I should probably get back to work...
I love you all!!!
I should probably get back to work...
I love you all!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Brooks Baptism Day
Sorry this is a couple weeks late, I just downloaded the pictures. As most people know Connor baptized Brooks on Jan. 25th and it was such a neat experience. Since Brooks hero worships Connor. They both looked so handsome and there was only one other boy being baptized at that time so we didn't even have to wait that long. Connor did a great job but was looking kind of nervous right before. Brother White from our ward asked both Todd and I to tell Brooks how we were feeling before the baptism and Todd said how proud he was of Brooks and that he knew he was doing the right thing. That really meant a lot to Brooks. We had a little lunch afterwards with family and friends, Todd's Uncle Ron and Aunt Lynne came so that was neat because we haven't seen them for a while. The next day at his confirmation Dad confirmed him but the microphone wasn't working and you know how soft Dad can talk sometimes, so I didn't really get to hear any of it, but that's okay because the person that needed to hear could hear him just fine.
Well on to Tatum we are making progress on the potty training (two steps forward and one step back). If someone would have told me it would have been this big of struggle I would have laughed at them. But I'm not laughing now. She is doing better. Todd is still working at Grand America and things are going well for him. Tatum's just getting over being sick so hopefully everyone will be doing good for a while now. Love everyone and miss you.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Lovey, Dovey Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day,
Just wanted to let everyone know how much I love you and how much I love how our family is. Everyone is such an important part that we couldn't do it without anyone.
Love Becky
Just wanted to let everyone know how much I love you and how much I love how our family is. Everyone is such an important part that we couldn't do it without anyone.
Love Becky
Monday, February 9, 2009
Congrats Megan!
When I met him at the family party, I thougt he seemed like a great kid! I hope that all goes well with the planning. I am glad that you got a time at the Temple in June (I have heard that it can be kind of a joke). It sounds like you are very happy and I wish the best for you.
When I met him at the family party, I thougt he seemed like a great kid! I hope that all goes well with the planning. I am glad that you got a time at the Temple in June (I have heard that it can be kind of a joke). It sounds like you are very happy and I wish the best for you.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Some good news and some bad news
Hi Family.
Well, the good news first...because the bad news wouldn't make sense otherwise.
Stuart (the young man I brought to the Christmas party) and I are getting married! It's officially official! :D He asked me on Friday. It was sosupercute! Yes, one word. That's how cute. He took me to Agua Caliente park to the bench by the lake at sunset and read me a book he had made. It documented how we met and eventually came to be dating and fall in love. Then he got to a page that said, "But something was missing........" Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! :D Obviously I said yes, and he turned the page and it said, "So on Jan 30th 2009 Stuart asked Meg to be his wife for all eternity!" I loved it. Other notes....
Stuart is the very first person I met when we moved down here. He and his father helped my family unload our moving van and he helped me carry my mattress in. We went to church and high school together and were friends but never dated. Both graduated from Cienega High in May of 2005. He went on to serve full time in the Zurich, Switzerland mission. He got back spring of 2008. He is half Peruvian; his mother immigrated and makes this delightful Peruvian potato dish. The ring is white gold, center stone is a princess cut with side stones being round, tension setting, limited edition, absolutely stunning.
We have decided to be sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake temple on June 12, 2009. (***This is a change from the previous post! New date is the 12th of June.***) Here's where the bad news comes in. While we have the largest room available there is still not enough room for both Stuart and I to invite all our family to be there. Unfortunately we will have to resort to drawing names out of a hat. We hope that there will be no hurt feelings and invite everyone to come to the ring ceremony and reception held later that day. Invitations and announcements will be forthcoming. We wish we could have everyone there and love you all. We look forward to seeing you all in June.
Well, the good news first...because the bad news wouldn't make sense otherwise.
Stuart (the young man I brought to the Christmas party) and I are getting married! It's officially official! :D He asked me on Friday. It was sosupercute! Yes, one word. That's how cute. He took me to Agua Caliente park to the bench by the lake at sunset and read me a book he had made. It documented how we met and eventually came to be dating and fall in love. Then he got to a page that said, "But something was missing........" Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! :D Obviously I said yes, and he turned the page and it said, "So on Jan 30th 2009 Stuart asked Meg to be his wife for all eternity!" I loved it. Other notes....
Stuart is the very first person I met when we moved down here. He and his father helped my family unload our moving van and he helped me carry my mattress in. We went to church and high school together and were friends but never dated. Both graduated from Cienega High in May of 2005. He went on to serve full time in the Zurich, Switzerland mission. He got back spring of 2008. He is half Peruvian; his mother immigrated and makes this delightful Peruvian potato dish. The ring is white gold, center stone is a princess cut with side stones being round, tension setting, limited edition, absolutely stunning.
We have decided to be sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake temple on June 12, 2009. (***This is a change from the previous post! New date is the 12th of June.***) Here's where the bad news comes in. While we have the largest room available there is still not enough room for both Stuart and I to invite all our family to be there. Unfortunately we will have to resort to drawing names out of a hat. We hope that there will be no hurt feelings and invite everyone to come to the ring ceremony and reception held later that day. Invitations and announcements will be forthcoming. We wish we could have everyone there and love you all. We look forward to seeing you all in June.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Congratulations Brooks
We are so proud of Brooks and his decision to be baptized. We are also sorry that we couldn't make it out to the baptism or confirmation, but we know that you will understand and appreciate our thoughtfulness in not getting you and everyone else sick. Miles came home from school on Friday with Strep Throat. We love you very much and we are very proud of you.
Lynn, Janell, Daphne, Hanalee and Miles
Lynn, Janell, Daphne, Hanalee and Miles
Saturday, January 24, 2009
You probably already know.....
Hi everyone.
I figured that I wanted to shed a little light on my current situation. -Deep breath- Stuart and I are planning on getting married. I'm sure most of you have already heard at very least whisperings of this. Chelsea seems to have made it her personal creed to spread the news far and wide. Even teachers at the school Stuart works at know!
We have decided to be sealed on Friday, June 19, 2009 at the Salt Lake Temple. We decided the Salt Lake temple because most of both our families are in the Salt Lake area and that's where his parents were sealed as well as my mom's family. Thankfully, La'Nece and Todd have been so gracious as to allow us to have our reception in their yard that night.
There is a little back and forth as to what to call it yet as mom (Michelle) says we're engaged because we have a temple date and I say we aren't because he hasn't asked me in so many words. I know it's not orthodox to jump the gun and reserve a spot at the temple without an official proposal, but I figured that spots in June at the Salt Lake temple would go quick!
I'll be sure to keep you updated...especially proposal details...when he actually asks. I know I'm terrible at actually checking this on a regular basis, but I do check my email usually a few times a day so you can be sure to reach me there.
Love you all,
I figured that I wanted to shed a little light on my current situation. -Deep breath- Stuart and I are planning on getting married. I'm sure most of you have already heard at very least whisperings of this. Chelsea seems to have made it her personal creed to spread the news far and wide. Even teachers at the school Stuart works at know!
We have decided to be sealed on Friday, June 19, 2009 at the Salt Lake Temple. We decided the Salt Lake temple because most of both our families are in the Salt Lake area and that's where his parents were sealed as well as my mom's family. Thankfully, La'Nece and Todd have been so gracious as to allow us to have our reception in their yard that night.
There is a little back and forth as to what to call it yet as mom (Michelle) says we're engaged because we have a temple date and I say we aren't because he hasn't asked me in so many words. I know it's not orthodox to jump the gun and reserve a spot at the temple without an official proposal, but I figured that spots in June at the Salt Lake temple would go quick!
I'll be sure to keep you updated...especially proposal details...when he actually asks. I know I'm terrible at actually checking this on a regular basis, but I do check my email usually a few times a day so you can be sure to reach me there.
Love you all,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
January 2009 Wood Update
The first month of the year and I am determined to post at least once a month.
It was wonderful to see Lana & Stan with their family at Christmas, even though they brought a Christmas storm that at least in Bluffdale was a blizzard for several hours. We couldn't even see out our windows, they were solid snow. Christmas for the Wood family was wonderful, we are very blessed as a family. I surprised the family with a Wii. I did not want another game system, but thought it would be fun for the grandkids. Well, we play it most evenings (bowling, golf, tennis and of course fishing).
I don't think I was put this in the blog but Jon and Evets are having a baby boy in June around the 15th. They are going to name him Hudson Max Wood. We are excited for another Wood grandchild.
New's Years Eve was fun with the kids playing Wii and the adults played Perfect 10. A game Julie ordered it is a thinking game. We had alot of fun, we sang Happy Birthday to Becky at about 1:00 a.m.
I hope the new year treats everyone well, and keep your New Year's resolutions!
It was wonderful to see Lana & Stan with their family at Christmas, even though they brought a Christmas storm that at least in Bluffdale was a blizzard for several hours. We couldn't even see out our windows, they were solid snow. Christmas for the Wood family was wonderful, we are very blessed as a family. I surprised the family with a Wii. I did not want another game system, but thought it would be fun for the grandkids. Well, we play it most evenings (bowling, golf, tennis and of course fishing).
I don't think I was put this in the blog but Jon and Evets are having a baby boy in June around the 15th. They are going to name him Hudson Max Wood. We are excited for another Wood grandchild.
New's Years Eve was fun with the kids playing Wii and the adults played Perfect 10. A game Julie ordered it is a thinking game. We had alot of fun, we sang Happy Birthday to Becky at about 1:00 a.m.
I hope the new year treats everyone well, and keep your New Year's resolutions!
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