In case you can't read that, it says MINOR LEAGUE FLORIDA DISTRICT 14 TOP TEAM CHAMPIONS! That's right, Josie's team won. Josie led off with the first run stealing home and cleaned up by fielding the 3rd out of the last inning from 2nd base to 1st! We have been busting, we're so proud. I only wish we could keep this team together forever...but alas, that's not how they do it, right, Lynn? That's Josie on the ground to the right, in case y'all couldn't tell. She's going to try out for a travel softball team this week and next and a soccer team the following week. She's giving up dance to play two sports...our little athlete! She's says she's going to miss it, but I know she will love doing the sporting thing.
Cody has try-outs for the new combined soccer league. His coach really doesn't want to lose him and so he will probably continue to play up...at least for another year. We'll see where the try-outs put him. Plus we can always say no. The Bridgewater team had a respectable showing at districts...one of the boy's sprinters took 3rd in the 400 with a 54-second run. I'm just glad we weren't at state in Utah...sounds like a dangerous one (HAHA!). Perhaps that's why they don't do javelin here?
Stan and I are rolling along. He attacked the garage and did a bang-up job...I can actually park in it. I felt so lazy and not contributing...I signed us up the the Dallas White Rock Marathon in December. Our running partner, Chris Ann, is doing it with us...yay! So we'll be limping, maybe, when we come to SL for Christmas...which will be here the day after tomorrow...you realize that, right? Love you all and will write soon! Someone tell Julie to get on the freaking blog so she can address the rumors I hear that Ally is trying out for a comp team...which I think is awesome! So if she doesn't get on, will someone please give her that message?
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