Thursday, May 29, 2008

Andreason household

Bethany I hear you on the running. I've been back for about a month now and yesterday boy did I ever bonk. Okay so I forgot to tell everyone that everything went well with the cardiologist and I don't have to see him again. The echo treadmill was pure 16th century torture, they start you out on slow with an incline and then every few minutes speed it up and increase the incline, and can you believe it, they wouldn't let me wear my headphones because I had to be able to communicate with them (I think it's just to make the torture complete). So after my heart rate got up to 160 the one tech said this must be the pace that you run at because your heart rate isn't increasing so they speed me up (oh yeah, and they make you keep hold of the treadmill) so I honestly don't know how I staid on the damn thing, my hands were all sweaty and my short little legs felt like they were going to fall right off. But everything ended up looking good, when I saw the doctor for my recheck he was all surprised and said "I can't believe you staid on the treadmill for over ten minutes", I wanted to say yeah not too bad for a chubba dubba.

On Julie's email, I know Greg has got on and read but I don't think Julie has, her email is juliemag@msn well at least I think it is?

I took Tatum in to have her cavities filled this morning and I'm still having trauma four hours later. They had to sedate her (after her time at the burn unit last summer she freaks out at anyone that remotely looks like a doctor) they ended up having to cap two of her back molars because the cavities were so deep and then she had two others. Can you guys remember Jackie and Slade when they were little and had all the silver caps on their front teeth?

I am so excited for Larry and Michelle to come in two weeks. It seems like I haven't seen them in ages, we usually go down in April, but we didn't do that this year.

Todd has had some really good interviews this week, so I'm hoping that something will come along soon. Well love and miss everyone.


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