Hello All for Philadelphia,
I flew in this afternoon and I am having a hard time sleeping because I really don't go to bed for another couple of hours, but I have to be up in the morning to go to the Barnes Foundation and I am afraid I will look terrible (mom has confirmed this yesterday when she stated that she has never seen the black circles go all the way around my eyes). Yes I still love her she always says the right things at the right time. I was all pumped about coming here and kind of excited to do a trip by myself, that was until I sat on the plane next to a lady who works for FEMA and she was telling me how scary the city was and that I was crazy to be here by myself and that I needed to stay away from area A,B,C,D and not go out after dark by myself unless I was asking for trouble. Needless to say I didn't have much anxiety about the flight (like I usually do, I hate to fly) because I was so worried about being here all alone and getting shot at and assaulted etc.... I did talk to my mom on the phone though an I feel better. Just fear of the unknown. I walked down Market Street and got some homemade hazelnut gelato. It was delicious (how many points is in a 1/2 cup mom?)
So now I am rambling, My room is on the 8th floor and the roof top pool is 10 feet down the hall. I will try to do pictures it is beautiful! Tomorrow I will be going to the Barnes foundation, and then if I have time I would like to spend some time and the Philadelphia Museum of Art (anyone who has seen Rocky) should know what it looks like the steps are famous and there is a Rocky statue there at the top of the stairs.
Well I better try to go to bed, I will keep everyone up to date as long as I can find a wireless signal. I want you guys to know that I love you.
Love Becky
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tell Julie to check her email.
I sent an invite over to juliemag@msn So tell her to check it and get on the blog! We've been missing out on the Julie love. :-)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Andreason household
Bethany I hear you on the running. I've been back for about a month now and yesterday boy did I ever bonk. Okay so I forgot to tell everyone that everything went well with the cardiologist and I don't have to see him again. The echo treadmill was pure 16th century torture, they start you out on slow with an incline and then every few minutes speed it up and increase the incline, and can you believe it, they wouldn't let me wear my headphones because I had to be able to communicate with them (I think it's just to make the torture complete). So after my heart rate got up to 160 the one tech said this must be the pace that you run at because your heart rate isn't increasing so they speed me up (oh yeah, and they make you keep hold of the treadmill) so I honestly don't know how I staid on the damn thing, my hands were all sweaty and my short little legs felt like they were going to fall right off. But everything ended up looking good, when I saw the doctor for my recheck he was all surprised and said "I can't believe you staid on the treadmill for over ten minutes", I wanted to say yeah not too bad for a chubba dubba.
On Julie's email, I know Greg has got on and read but I don't think Julie has, her email is juliemag@msn well at least I think it is?
I took Tatum in to have her cavities filled this morning and I'm still having trauma four hours later. They had to sedate her (after her time at the burn unit last summer she freaks out at anyone that remotely looks like a doctor) they ended up having to cap two of her back molars because the cavities were so deep and then she had two others. Can you guys remember Jackie and Slade when they were little and had all the silver caps on their front teeth?
I am so excited for Larry and Michelle to come in two weeks. It seems like I haven't seen them in ages, we usually go down in April, but we didn't do that this year.
Todd has had some really good interviews this week, so I'm hoping that something will come along soon. Well love and miss everyone.
On Julie's email, I know Greg has got on and read but I don't think Julie has, her email is juliemag@msn well at least I think it is?
I took Tatum in to have her cavities filled this morning and I'm still having trauma four hours later. They had to sedate her (after her time at the burn unit last summer she freaks out at anyone that remotely looks like a doctor) they ended up having to cap two of her back molars because the cavities were so deep and then she had two others. Can you guys remember Jackie and Slade when they were little and had all the silver caps on their front teeth?
I am so excited for Larry and Michelle to come in two weeks. It seems like I haven't seen them in ages, we usually go down in April, but we didn't do that this year.
Todd has had some really good interviews this week, so I'm hoping that something will come along soon. Well love and miss everyone.
Running, running, running...
Hello everyone!
I've been working on my running again. Next week I should be at the point of running 30 mins straight without walking. Woohoo! To celebrate the occasion I'm going to register for a 13K in October. Then to celebrate that I'm going to run a half marathon at the end of November and another in February. That will get me primed and ready for a marathon next fall/winter! WOOT! I'm so pumped.
I was looking at the blog authors and there is an email and profile for Julie and Greg. Did she loose her login info or does she want an invite to another email address? I can't send the invite to the one that is already listed until I delete it. Just let me know. If there is another address she would like to use please send it to my email robinsonbanks@gmail.com. Thanks.
Love you all and miss you,
I've been working on my running again. Next week I should be at the point of running 30 mins straight without walking. Woohoo! To celebrate the occasion I'm going to register for a 13K in October. Then to celebrate that I'm going to run a half marathon at the end of November and another in February. That will get me primed and ready for a marathon next fall/winter! WOOT! I'm so pumped.
I was looking at the blog authors and there is an email and profile for Julie and Greg. Did she loose her login info or does she want an invite to another email address? I can't send the invite to the one that is already listed until I delete it. Just let me know. If there is another address she would like to use please send it to my email robinsonbanks@gmail.com. Thanks.
Love you all and miss you,
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Memorial Weekend Getaway
Some of the Wood Clan spent the Memorial Weekend camping at Willard Bay. If you can believe it, we didn't take the boat because it was too cold. So we just relaxed and saw the local sites. On Saturday we took a trip out to Promomentory to the Golden Spike State Park. We watched the reenactment of the meeting of the Union and Central Pacific Railroads. It was all done in period clothing. but the two train locomotives were not there. But we were able to see them in the maintainance engine house. They are exact replicas and really amazing. Afterwards we stopped at the ADK rocket museum and saw all the different type rocket engines they have made through the years. It was cool all weekend, and I wore a jacket. It was a nice relaxing time, it gave us time to recharge the batteries.
Lana I have tried to get Julie on the blog but so far it is a no go. But I haven't given up. Please have Jake send her an invitation and I will try again.
I hope everyone is in good health and doing well.
Lana I have tried to get Julie on the blog but so far it is a no go. But I haven't given up. Please have Jake send her an invitation and I will try again.
I hope everyone is in good health and doing well.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Additional information in Arizona
Have to say for those in Utah that 92 degrees is a beautifull day. Our spring has been unusually cool down in here. It was just a week ago that we finally broke 100. The hottest it has been is 105. I am wondering what monsoon season will bring. For all of the Utah's we are planning on coming up and spending the week june 14th so lets plan on getting together. As always a day at lagoon, but Michelle and I are planning a bbQ up the canyon and a nice hike somewhere.
I promised to tell you about the guitar. Michelle as most of you know gave me a awsome Alverez guitar for my birthday 5 years ago. I have been plucking on it occationally but never aquired any skill because I never felt like I was playing music. Well Corbys best freind Kimball Coffin started teaching Kailey how to play so I would pick up what I could from him. I have been practicing almost every day and I have along ways to go but I can strum a cord or two with some constistency. I am planning on learning Americas "i been through the desert on a horse with no name so you all better watch out. It has been almost a dream come true for me to be playing. and has been some much fun. Everyone is doing well down here. We will catch you all later.
Love your brother Larry
I promised to tell you about the guitar. Michelle as most of you know gave me a awsome Alverez guitar for my birthday 5 years ago. I have been plucking on it occationally but never aquired any skill because I never felt like I was playing music. Well Corbys best freind Kimball Coffin started teaching Kailey how to play so I would pick up what I could from him. I have been practicing almost every day and I have along ways to go but I can strum a cord or two with some constistency. I am planning on learning Americas "i been through the desert on a horse with no name so you all better watch out. It has been almost a dream come true for me to be playing. and has been some much fun. Everyone is doing well down here. We will catch you all later.
Love your brother Larry
Good Muffins
Norwegian Apple Muffins
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup oatmeal
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 cup walnuts or pecans
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup applesauce
1/3 cup melted butter
3/4 cup canned whole cranberries
Combine brown sugar, flour, oatmeal, spices, soda, baking powder and nuts in a large bowl. Mix eggs, applesauce, melted butter and cranberries together. Pour into center well in dry ingredients and mix only till dry ingredients are no longer dry. Fill muffin pans three quarters full and bake until done. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
Sure miss all y'all. Take care.
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup oatmeal
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 cup walnuts or pecans
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup applesauce
1/3 cup melted butter
3/4 cup canned whole cranberries
Combine brown sugar, flour, oatmeal, spices, soda, baking powder and nuts in a large bowl. Mix eggs, applesauce, melted butter and cranberries together. Pour into center well in dry ingredients and mix only till dry ingredients are no longer dry. Fill muffin pans three quarters full and bake until done. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
Sure miss all y'all. Take care.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

In case you can't read that, it says MINOR LEAGUE FLORIDA DISTRICT 14 TOP TEAM CHAMPIONS! That's right, Josie's team won. Josie led off with the first run stealing home and cleaned up by fielding the 3rd out of the last inning from 2nd base to 1st! We have been busting, we're so proud. I only wish we could keep this team together forever...but alas, that's not how they do it, right, Lynn? That's Josie on the ground to the right, in case y'all couldn't tell. She's going to try out for a travel softball team this week and next and a soccer team the following week. She's giving up dance to play two sports...our little athlete! She's says she's going to miss it, but I know she will love doing the sporting thing.
Cody has try-outs for the new combined soccer league. His coach really doesn't want to lose him and so he will probably continue to play up...at least for another year. We'll see where the try-outs put him. Plus we can always say no. The Bridgewater team had a respectable showing at districts...one of the boy's sprinters took 3rd in the 400 with a 54-second run. I'm just glad we weren't at state in Utah...sounds like a dangerous one (HAHA!). Perhaps that's why they don't do javelin here?
Stan and I are rolling along. He attacked the garage and did a bang-up job...I can actually park in it. I felt so lazy and not contributing...I signed us up the the Dallas White Rock Marathon in December. Our running partner, Chris Ann, is doing it with us...yay! So we'll be limping, maybe, when we come to SL for Christmas...which will be here the day after tomorrow...you realize that, right? Love you all and will write soon! Someone tell Julie to get on the freaking blog so she can address the rumors I hear that Ally is trying out for a comp team...which I think is awesome! So if she doesn't get on, will someone please give her that message?
Hottest Day of the Year.......
Just checking in for the Wood family. As I am writing this it is 92 degrees and cloudy in Sandy Utah. I hope everyone has exciting plans for the Memorial Day weekend. We are going to Willard Bay to just rest and relax. Jonathan and his family are in South Dakota this week visiting Mt. Rushmore. Tim will be down at the Dunes with Stan and his family.
I want to know where the month of May went to, time is just fleeting away. Just 4 months until Becky and I go to Italy. It is becoming reality and can I tell you I am getting nervous. I think it's just excitement.
I check in later.
Love you all.
I want to know where the month of May went to, time is just fleeting away. Just 4 months until Becky and I go to Italy. It is becoming reality and can I tell you I am getting nervous. I think it's just excitement.
I check in later.
Love you all.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Lana you missed your calling
Lana emailed me her memories of Mom and Dad (hint, hint Stan, Lynn, Larry & Julie). You totally made me cry when I read it, because I could instantly picture what you were saying. You are so eloquent and know how to phrase things, maybe for all of the other memories I'll tell you what I want to say and you could write it for me so it sounds good. It made me miss you a ton. Weight watchers has been good so far (the first day was the roughest). We do our fist weigh in Thursday cross your fingers for me.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Disney Here We Come
Hopefully this will be a short quick post. We are headed to Disneyland bright and early tomorrow morning. We are planning on visiting Mickey and then spending time at the beach and pool. Hopefully the weather will be warm, and yes we will be wearing sunscreen. We are looking forward to hopefully RELAXING. The trip will be cut short so we can be back for Daphne's softball tournament the 16th and 17th. She will be playing in West Valley City if anyone is bored and wants to come watch her play, call and we can give you game times.
Lynn helped Greg Cope with some old swim turns for a new Feature Films for Family film. They are currently filming right now in Salt Lake. When we find out the movie, we will let you know. Lynn isn't in the movie, just helping a few actors with the old backstroke turn.
We would like to wish MOM a Happy Mother's Day and tell her that we Love Her tons.
We love and miss you all tons!
I'll post again when we get home.
Lynn helped Greg Cope with some old swim turns for a new Feature Films for Family film. They are currently filming right now in Salt Lake. When we find out the movie, we will let you know. Lynn isn't in the movie, just helping a few actors with the old backstroke turn.
We would like to wish MOM a Happy Mother's Day and tell her that we Love Her tons.
We love and miss you all tons!
I'll post again when we get home.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Tatum
Well as you can see it was Tatum's Bday Monday and she had a riot. She got a new bicycle, a microphone that plays music that she can sing to in it's boom box, and a drum set from Grandma Joan (I'm about ready to make to rule that the drums and the microphone are only played with outside. Lana it's so weird but sometimes Tatum looks so much like Josie, Dad's even commented about it before. I had a tennis tournament Monday. My partner got sick so I was scrambling to find someone to play with at the last minute. We lost but had a lot of fun.
Bethany, congrats on the band. That is so neat, I don't even sing in the shower because I can hear myself and it's not good.
I'm starting weight watchers tonight with Colleen, Julie, and Greg (yeah, like he needs to). Jonathan has really inspired me. He's been on it for two weeks and lost fifteen pounds.
I don't mean to bug anyone (Lana, Lynn, Larry and Stan). But if you have your memories done email them to me. lanece.andreason@gmail.com if you guys would like to look at the book as it's being done let me know and I can email it to you. Thanks everyone and miss you. One the bummer note Becky won't be playing tennis with us because it's been hurting her knees too much afterwards (sniffle, sniffle).
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I feel like I should have a conversation with myself...
But I won't. Not yet at least. I just wanted all you Twilight fans to know that there is a link to the official Twilight movie trailer on Stephanie Meyers site. Thanks.
Monday, May 5, 2008
They liked me.
The band that I had the jam with yesterday really liked me. They said that I have the sound they're looking for and they said that if there are any songs that I would like to sing, they would learn them. I'm very excited.
Things are going well for Jake and me. Jake's been keeping busy moving all of our music to a network so we can access it from any computer in the house. He's very excited to go to school. His plan is to shoot for this fall but I think he'll have to wait until spring because there are still a few things that he needs to work out. Work has been even for the last couple of weeks. Other than that things are going as they go.
Things are going well for Jake and me. Jake's been keeping busy moving all of our music to a network so we can access it from any computer in the house. He's very excited to go to school. His plan is to shoot for this fall but I think he'll have to wait until spring because there are still a few things that he needs to work out. Work has been even for the last couple of weeks. Other than that things are going as they go.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Go Jazz!
Go Jazz! I hope they cream the Lakers!
I hope everyone is doing well. I'm extremely nervous because of my audition tomorrow. I'll post as soon as I have the verdict. Love you all and miss you so much.
I hope everyone is doing well. I'm extremely nervous because of my audition tomorrow. I'll post as soon as I have the verdict. Love you all and miss you so much.
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