Saturday, February 9, 2008

What a snow day

Can you believe all of this snow? This was taken last Sunday after church. We have gotten so much snow this year it's verging on out of control. Lana and Stan you are missing some great skiing this year. I just hope that we don't have a real hot spring and then some major flooding. Mom and Dad left a couple days ago to go to New Mexico and then on to Larry's. (I think that Dad just didn't want to start up the snowblower one more time). Brooks justed finished up basketball and had a good time, he was pretty tentitive in basketball because he's not a familiar with the rules, but compared to how he plays soccer it was a Dr. Jeykll Mr. Hyde thing. Todd's still not down in Moab yet, the accountant/attorneys for Cloud 9 (the company Todd works for) wants some clarification on where some money and what it is from at Sorrel River before the sale goes through. So at this point I am seriously not holding my breath. Supposedly now it will be the 17th of this month. Some interesting info though, the house that we will have is next to a pasture that is fenced in and it has two little billy goats in it. Well the other night a mountain lion got one of the goats for dinner, so I'm a little freaked out about that. I really don't like mountain lions. Todd's B day is on the 12th (Happy Birthday Stan Banks) and we are getting him a wii talk about crazy trying to find one you would think it was xmas or something. Todd's sister works at Toy R Us and they get a shipment in this Sunday morning so Todd's mom is going to go over and get one for me. I'm pretty excited to play it actually. Love and miss everyone and Thank You guys for writing I really missed it during the dry spell.

P.S. I have started the scrapbook and so far it's way cute.

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1 comment:

BeeBee said...

BRRRRR! Get me a coat and some hot cocoa!