Friday, February 29, 2008

Good Morning

Glad to see some more posts since my last. My life is going good. I am working long hours but that is part of life I have decided. We just found out that me and mom's trip to Italy is going to be canceled. I am bummed and not sure what to do. We do have the option of going on an early tour that includes Greece and Turkey but I am not sure what to do. Some of the places that I really wanted to see are not included in this trip like Dubrovnik, Eze and Barcelona. I have heard that Turkey is the "bomb" with some really cool ruins etc but with all the stuff going on over there it makes me really nervous. I will let you all know what we decide next week. The tour company has to know in a week.

The weather here had mellowed out a little we have been in the 50's this week but with the poor air quality I am praying for a storm to clean the air out! The warm weather has been a nice change from the 30's. Although it is not 70 and fun in the sun like Florida!!!

On the work front, there are alot of sick people out there. The flu is really ramping up and so is the pneumonia train. I just hope to stay healthy and on top of things with giving out masks and washing my hand all the time. My hands are so dry but dry hands are better then being sick.

As for you Janell I say go for what is best for your family. It's not like that you can't change your mind. I am sure that putting your family first is always a good decision!

I am sad to see LaNece and family go. We will have to visit often. It's quite funny Garrett and Tatum are little buddy's anytime they play together and Garrett has to go home he starts crying and saying "I want my Tatum". I know that he will miss her alot but it should keep us visiting alot to the warmer part of the state.

As for you Bethany I am way excited for you and school! I think it is great that you and Jake are ready to have a baby! It sounds like you and Jake are going through alot of crap with Jake's job but keep your head up it will get better. I really miss seeing you and talking about the random things that are life! I am glad that your life seems to be heading in the right direction!!

I am glad to hear that grandma is doing well. I got a little of a scare when I got the call at work on Monday she seemed like nothing was wrong when we saw her after surgery so I am glad all is well!

I just want you guys to know how much I love and miss you!


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