Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh and Bethany what's the joke??
Good Morning

Glad to see some more posts since my last. My life is going good. I am working long hours but that is part of life I have decided. We just found out that me and mom's trip to Italy is going to be canceled. I am bummed and not sure what to do. We do have the option of going on an early tour that includes Greece and Turkey but I am not sure what to do. Some of the places that I really wanted to see are not included in this trip like Dubrovnik, Eze and Barcelona. I have heard that Turkey is the "bomb" with some really cool ruins etc but with all the stuff going on over there it makes me really nervous. I will let you all know what we decide next week. The tour company has to know in a week.

The weather here had mellowed out a little we have been in the 50's this week but with the poor air quality I am praying for a storm to clean the air out! The warm weather has been a nice change from the 30's. Although it is not 70 and fun in the sun like Florida!!!

On the work front, there are alot of sick people out there. The flu is really ramping up and so is the pneumonia train. I just hope to stay healthy and on top of things with giving out masks and washing my hand all the time. My hands are so dry but dry hands are better then being sick.

As for you Janell I say go for what is best for your family. It's not like that you can't change your mind. I am sure that putting your family first is always a good decision!

I am sad to see LaNece and family go. We will have to visit often. It's quite funny Garrett and Tatum are little buddy's anytime they play together and Garrett has to go home he starts crying and saying "I want my Tatum". I know that he will miss her alot but it should keep us visiting alot to the warmer part of the state.

As for you Bethany I am way excited for you and school! I think it is great that you and Jake are ready to have a baby! It sounds like you and Jake are going through alot of crap with Jake's job but keep your head up it will get better. I really miss seeing you and talking about the random things that are life! I am glad that your life seems to be heading in the right direction!!

I am glad to hear that grandma is doing well. I got a little of a scare when I got the call at work on Monday she seemed like nothing was wrong when we saw her after surgery so I am glad all is well!

I just want you guys to know how much I love and miss you!


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Heellllo Robinson Family members

Well the sale of the resort in Moab actually went through, Todd will be going down on Monday the Ward basketball team is excited because he will be here on Saturday to play with them in regions. He's had a really good time playing with them. He's also been putting in some resumes here around town so I'm crossing my fingers one of the local ones will work out. We are planning on me and the kids moving down toward the beginning on April while Brooks is off track. So he'll have a couple days to adjust and we can maybe move in a couple trips.
You guys would not believe what a trooper Mom has been after her surgery, she never even took a pain pill in the hospital or afterwards. She seems to be doing just great.
Okay Janell I think that your family comes first. So if that will help then you just need to do it. Sometimes it seems like a huge obstacle but it is way important to do what's best for you and your family.
Alright Bethany you made me giggle. I love you sense of humor. How's the online school going? I hope well.
We are going to visit Todd this next weekend and I'll take my camera and get some pictures to post.
I love and miss all of you that are away (or I don't see that much).


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hello Everyone

We hope everyone is doing well. And we are very grateful that Mom is recovering and coming home today.

We are doing great at our house. I'm recovering from the flu and I'm feeling tons better. If any of you get the flu, sleep helps tons.

Miles and Hanalee are off track until the 17th of March, we are hoping to get some spring cleaning done and hopefully enjoy some nice weather.

Daphne and Hanalee played softball in St. George last weekend. They both played really well. As a parent I am really proud of them and their dedication and sportsmanship. They are both such hard workers and team players. Hanalee's team was eliminated early. I think they had fun even though they were a little disappointed with not doing better. They need to realize that Hanalee as pitcher is only 10 almost 11 and pitching against teams with older players. Daphne's team ended up 4th, they played some really hard teams and lost by a run or two. She does awesome at 1st base and made some key plays for her team. I can't believe that we are getting back into tournaments. Sometimes I think winter isn't long enough.

We are signing Miles up for T-Ball this weekend. I can hardly wait for soccer and t-ball games to begin.

I have a feeling that our weeks are going to get crazy soon. I am thinking of going back to being an on-call employee only at the Temple again. I really want to be a mom and I'm tired of being tired all the time. I hate missing the kids games and then trying to get the kids taken care of if Lynn isn't home and I have to go to work. I really like it their, but I think my kids and family need to come first. I still second guess myself and I haven't told my bosses yet, but it just feels like the thing to do right now. Do anyone have any suggestions? I need all I can get right now.

We love you all and miss you tons.



Have you all heard the one with the monkey and the banana?

If not I'll tell you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Did I break the blog?


Was it something I said?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mid 70's, sunny and so beautiful *sigh*

You poor snowed in people...heehee. I'm ready for the beach baby!! WOOHOO! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. Things are going well here. It's actually pretty warm for the winter down here and the locals are complaining. It's funny that we leave UT and then it has the best ski season in15 yrs. At least that is what I've heard. I so don't miss shoveling driveways or scraping snow off the windshield.
Mom and dad are going to San Fran next weekend. The new Bingham debate coach is flying him out to surprise the debaters at the tournament. So I get to get some mommy practice time. :) Cody and Josie are doing very well. Josie received her first straight A report card. Cody also received a 4.0. He does very well in school and is excelling in all of his classes. Josie started softball practice today and I think her first game is in March...I think. She is still in dance for now, but is planning on dropping that after her recital so that she can pick up soccer. She is so sporty. :) Cody is still playing with his soccer team and is doing well. The kids are changing SO much. Sometimes I can't believe it. Mom had a little break in work this last week and she is afraid that Feb won't be as good of a month as others. Dad is teaching hard and doing a darn good job with it. He picked up contacts this week. It's funny to hear his stories about trying to put the contacts in. LOL. He makes us giggle like crazy.
Jake and I are doing well. Jake's work has been a little bit of a pain though...When he was hired on the told him that his review would come up in November and that they would give a raise that was close, if not equal to, what he was making in UT. November came and they informed him that the company had put a freeze on all raises until the beginning of the next year. So he waits...January comes! The company tells everyone that they bought out their sister company and are expanding. Jake's boss tells him he is leaving and that he wants Jake and another person to take over his job duties. Boss man goes to his boss. Boss man comes back to Jake and let him know that they are shutting down the branch that they work in and everyone being split up and moved to other locations. Jake is now in the new location. His new boss wants to train him for on-sight printing. This means they will send Jake to an engineering firm and architecture firm and have him print there. Which could be nice. Jake asks his boss about his raise that he's owed and new boss man says...wait for it..."Paperwork is all crazy from the move. Once we get everything sorted out we'll talk to you about a raise." *Sigh* So we wait. I've been busy for once. I signed up for an online scoping course to help me learn more about my software and so that I can pick up a client. I get everything together I get set up and then my current client actually gets really busy and I don't have any time to do more than the first 2 lessons. But on the bright side, I've made more money this month than I have ever made. :) That is nice. I'm supposed to have a break next week so I can really focus on school. That is very good because once I'm done with school and I get established with another client, then Jake and I are going to try for a baby. I want to be a mom now. I'm ready for that big step. I just need to get my things in order.
Jake and I are also planning on flying down to UT for next Christmas. We looked at our finances and figured that with our tax returns we will so be able to make it down.

It is so great to hear that everyone is doing so well. :) And remember, if you ever get tired of snow and need a break come on down to sunny FL and we'll all go to the parks and the beach! I love you all and miss you terribly.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

What a snow day

Can you believe all of this snow? This was taken last Sunday after church. We have gotten so much snow this year it's verging on out of control. Lana and Stan you are missing some great skiing this year. I just hope that we don't have a real hot spring and then some major flooding. Mom and Dad left a couple days ago to go to New Mexico and then on to Larry's. (I think that Dad just didn't want to start up the snowblower one more time). Brooks justed finished up basketball and had a good time, he was pretty tentitive in basketball because he's not a familiar with the rules, but compared to how he plays soccer it was a Dr. Jeykll Mr. Hyde thing. Todd's still not down in Moab yet, the accountant/attorneys for Cloud 9 (the company Todd works for) wants some clarification on where some money and what it is from at Sorrel River before the sale goes through. So at this point I am seriously not holding my breath. Supposedly now it will be the 17th of this month. Some interesting info though, the house that we will have is next to a pasture that is fenced in and it has two little billy goats in it. Well the other night a mountain lion got one of the goats for dinner, so I'm a little freaked out about that. I really don't like mountain lions. Todd's B day is on the 12th (Happy Birthday Stan Banks) and we are getting him a wii talk about crazy trying to find one you would think it was xmas or something. Todd's sister works at Toy R Us and they get a shipment in this Sunday morning so Todd's mom is going to go over and get one for me. I'm pretty excited to play it actually. Love and miss everyone and Thank You guys for writing I really missed it during the dry spell.

P.S. I have started the scrapbook and so far it's way cute.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I just wanted to post a few pictures from the sweet snow we have in the great state of utah and the good snowmobiling we have had already. These pictures are from a recent trip to Wolf Creek and Mill Hallow that Tim, Nate and I took.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We are Slackers

Hello Everyone

Yes we are slackers here. Not much has changed in our home. It seems like it's still work, school and softball.

The kids are doing really well in school. Daphne had her first 4.0. She works so hard in school and really enjoys school. Hanalee made it to the District Science Fair that will be held at the end of February. Mile just loves school and is excelling at reading and math.

Lynn has been swamped at work. He usually leave early and then works from home after I go to work at night. I'm just grateful that he has a job and they are busy. We really hate the slow times.

We are still practicing softball at least once a week for each of the girls. We have our first tournament on Feburary 22 and 23 (?). We will be heading to St. George, we are hoping for warmer weather and some good softball games.

Today is Miles 6th birthday and I'm really struggling with how fast he has grown up. He lost his first tooth in January and it seems like he is growing up before my eyes. Boy has time flown by.

We are headed to Star Valley this weekend and looking forward to relaxing and enjoying time together.

We Love and Miss you all.


Don't Forget

Hello All,

It's me again writing all by myself! I feel weird putting another post on but it is my goal to post once a week so I am meeting my goal.

My work has been busy this week we are short one person and it really affects our work flow but we are managing.

We got alot of snow over the weekend. When I went out to get the paper on Sunday morning it was up to my knees! Dad went out to plow with the 6-wheeler and Timmy had to pull him out with the Snowmoblie I got a picture and I will try to have Timmy put it on for me when I get home it was pretty funny! It's been a crazy year for snow! The kids like it though and Jonathan and Evets took Garrett out sledding pulling him behind their 4-wheeler. Evets I think had the most fun she couldn't stop talking about it on sunday.

Speaking of Sunday was that not the best Superbowl ever?? GO GIANTS!!! I wanted anyone to win but Tom Brady I just can't stand him.

I have been reading alot lately and just finished a Newberry Award book "The Thief" it was awesome!!! Mom just finished the Golden Compass Series and loved them. She said that they got a raw deal by the whole church media stuff. I will be starting the 3rd book in the series later this week, but I have loved the first two!

Me and mom are going to a card class on Saturday at Kathy Hudson's house so that should be fun. I hope that everyone is doing fine and that all is well with everyones family!

Love you guys lots
