Monday, July 21, 2008

Hello Everyone

I just thought I would say hi to everyone and see how things are going. Things here are going well. I just bought my first house and am getting married in 2.5 weeks...I'm so excited and I'm sorry my invitations were sent out so late. There was some difficulties with them. I know most of you won't be making the trip way out here but I wanted all of you to know the wedding was happening. I'm very excited to see Dad and whoever else can make it up here with him!! Anything you want to know about me don't hesitate to ask!!

Love Crystal

Monday, July 7, 2008

Florida Date

Lana- We booked our flight to Florida, I'm not exactly sure about the dates but I think it's Sept. 7 through the 15, I'll let you know for sure. I am way excited as are the kids. Brooks' asks everyday, how many more days until Cody and Josie come. We are going to go the reunion a day early and go to the Bar J Wranglers outside of Jackson Hole, with Lynn and Janell family. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow at my birthday lunch with the sisters (we are going to The Pub for Szechuan pasta). I miss you tons and can't wait to see you again.

Todd's job seems to be going well, I can tell he's a little frustrated that it's not the exact job he wants, but what are you going to do?

