Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One FL check in

I figure I may as well throw in a quick update while I take a break from my job. Florida is lovely. The rain has finally come, which is nice because it cools it down a bit here. I started a book club in our town and have six women who are participating and there may be a few more that join us. Our first meeting is this Friday. We're discussing The Help by Kathryn Stockett. If you haven't read it, I really have to suggest that you go out to your nearest book store and pick it up. You will LOVE it.
Jake finished his summer semester with all A's! I'm so proud of him. I go back in the fall. I've been staying busy with work for once. Last month was a better month than I've had in a while and this month is shaping up to be a good month as well. This is VERY good because Jake was let go from his job yesterday. :-(
Not a very happy feeling with that, but he's all signed up for unemployment, which should kick in next week, and he's applying to every job that he qualifies for. We're not too worried about money right now because between the unemployment and the work I've been getting, we'll be able to pay our bills. Plus, we are fortunate to have the support of my parents. They said if we need help with anything, they'll help us out. I'm staying optimistic, staying positive. My baby is a hard worker and he'll find a job in no time! :-)
The rest of the family is doing great. The kids are enjoying the rest of the summer before school is back in session in a couple weeks. The family has been hitting up the beach as much as they can since they've picked up surfing. Josie, of course, is a natural. But then again, what is she not really good at? LOL. My folks are doing very well. Cody is loving the summer time because he gets a lot of videogame time in. Hee hee.
I love and miss you all! I'll keep you better posted as time goes on. For now, I need to get back to work. :-)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Bethany, so sorry about Jake's job, that is horrible, you seem to have a great attitude and that is half the battle. I will keep him in my prayers. Good to hear from you!