Greg, trying to get out of the spotlight! I don't think he feels comfortable as the center of attention.
It was so much fun, thanks Julie for inviting us to come.
So my life has been crazy lately and I have not been able to fully wrap my head around anything. Life has a crazy way of keeping me on my toes at all times.
I got my cold weather garden planted last Saturday. I planted pea's, carrot's, radish's, onion's, lettuce and spinach. That was last Saturday when it was 70 degrees and beautiful. It has been snowing here since Wednesday and it suppose to snow until this coming Wednesday off and on. Now don't get me wrong, I like the snow, we need the water, and it makes me laugh more about the global warming thing, but a week of snow is not what I really wanted. But here I am updating my blog and getting other stuff done that I would not have had the chance if it was nice outside because of the weather. so let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
I am still in young women's and loving every minute of it. The girls are constantly challenging me on things and making me prove to them that I love them and care about them. I really do so proving it is not so hard. I have often said that I have prayed more since receiving this calling then I have in my whole life. I also have been attending the temple often which has brought a lot of peace and tranquility into my life. I am grateful for the challenge from Bishop Cooper the attend weekly, it has been a bright spot in my life and something that I look forward to each week. I also just completed a March Madness Book of Mormon challenge in which I read the whole Book of Mormon in the month of march. It never ceases to amaze me the inspiration that I receive from reading it and how much direction it provides for my life.
Well I hope that everyone is doing well! We are so glad to have grandpa home, we missed him the last several months he was gone, I know he was well taken care of though by our family in Arizona! Love you all and miss you all!
Keep in touch
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