Monday, April 28, 2008

Bethany my have a band soon!!!

Oh my goodness!!! I'm totally busting! I decided to go out on a limb and go on Craigslist of Orlando to find a band, and a blues band wants to meet me this weekend! I sent them some samples and they want to meet me and have me jam with them. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am. The band is named RoadBlock. They have about 4 venues that they play at constantly because they know the management really well. They also do radio promos and blues festivals. This could be the best thing ever if they decide to bring me on board!
I also got an email from a country/bluegrass/gospel band, they are a Christian band singing for a Christian mission, but they said that they would be branching out in the future. I was honest and told the man that I'm not Christian and he said that the other band mates may not be hip on having someone who is not a Christian in their band, which is fine. I can understand them not being comfortable with the idea. He did say that I have a great voice and I'll have no problems finding a band to sing with.
Are you all so super-duper excited for me?! I have a perm-a-grin plastered on my face! I'll keep you all posted. :-)

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