Tuesday, April 29, 2008

(small thought...)

I'm in heaven. There's nothing better than reading accounts from family about things are with their families. I am so blessed and so grateful...


Monday, April 28, 2008

Long Time No Write (I'm a loser)

It's been so long since I have even read the Blog. I'm a loser. Just wanted to get that off my chest to start with.

The Wood clan is keeping busy at a rate so fast we can hardly handle it. What happened to the days when you did'nt have a thing to do. You just veggied. Jack, Becky, and I have been hitting the yard. Becky put in 6 tomatoe plants Saturday in walls of water. She previously planted the cold weather crops (carrots, lettuce, peas ect) 2 weeks ago, but with the cold nights we still haven't seen any growth. This spring has been a cool one. We are not even hitting the average highes. I want spring; I do not want to jump straight to summer and I really think that is what we are going to get.

Becky and I are mass transit users now. Becky is riding trax everyday and with the IHC discount on her monthly pass you can not afford to drive. I ride the bus from Bluffdale to the Sandy Trax station at least 3 days a week. My fuel consumption has dropped in 1/2. I never thought to be converted but money is money. I also got one the girls in the office riding also.

We had family pictures taken 2 weeks ago up American Fork canyon hopefully one it attached. It is always an ordeal to decide on what to wear, then where to go and then fit into everyone's schedules. But they turned out beautifully.

I have been reading some excellant books lately. I just finished "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, a good read. I am reading "A Thousand Spledid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini (The Kite Runner) right now and really like it. Next will be something fun.

Until next week, be good and always do your best.


Bethany my have a band soon!!!

Oh my goodness!!! I'm totally busting! I decided to go out on a limb and go on Craigslist of Orlando to find a band, and a blues band wants to meet me this weekend! I sent them some samples and they want to meet me and have me jam with them. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am. The band is named RoadBlock. They have about 4 venues that they play at constantly because they know the management really well. They also do radio promos and blues festivals. This could be the best thing ever if they decide to bring me on board!
I also got an email from a country/bluegrass/gospel band, they are a Christian band singing for a Christian mission, but they said that they would be branching out in the future. I was honest and told the man that I'm not Christian and he said that the other band mates may not be hip on having someone who is not a Christian in their band, which is fine. I can understand them not being comfortable with the idea. He did say that I have a great voice and I'll have no problems finding a band to sing with.
Are you all so super-duper excited for me?! I have a perm-a-grin plastered on my face! I'll keep you all posted. :-)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Go Jazz

Just a little note from the Andreason's. I don't know how many of you watched the last Jazz game, but talk about give me a heart attack. I swear I don't know if they really just don't want to make it any further in the playoffs and are afraid to tell Jerry or what. But they are really starting to give me a headache. Stan are you turning into a Magic fan now that you have left Utah? Not that that is a bad thing.

We just had the Birthday dinner tonight and it was a lot of fun getting together with everyone. (it would be better with Larry and Lana's family). It's funny when ever I pull Tatum's hair back into a ponytail or bun she looks so much like Josie (go figure). She was naughty and hit Garrett in the face with a light saber, so Nathan got after her, and you should of seen her come running and crying into the house. She sat there and sobbed and blew snot into my shirt for a good five minutes, the way she was acting you would have thought that she took the blow to the face and all of this over being yelled at. (my kids need to toughen up).

I got a phone call from Sven this last week, he is doing well. He got married over and year ago (to the cute Chinese girlfriend he had when he was here) and he now has a 10 month old little boy named Timmy. I'll have to post the pictures of him that he e-mailed me, what a little doll.

Tennis is going good, we had a team practice this week and two of the women are in their late forties played me and my friend, who is about the same age as I am, and they smoked us. So tonight I was trying to get pointers from Lynn on what my problem is. These women were good, but I really think we should have been able to beat them or at least come close. So if you can think of any other good tips on not letting sports get into your head please let me know. I never thought I would have been such a head game. Maybe I need to juice up on caffeine before the games, that way I would just be buzzing around the court and not be able to keep a thought in my head. Caffeine seems to do that to me now that I don't drink it anymore.

Todd's still looking for work. He has interviewed with the Raddison Hotel for a M.O.D. position and thinks he could probably get it if he's interested. The GM was wondering if that's really what he would want, because career wise it would be a step backwards. So he really doesn't know what to do, he has his resume in for a job as assist. gm and the Hotel Monaco also. So we'll see what happens.

Brooks scored three goals in his soccer game Saturday, he is playing well, but with the funky spring weather that we have been having he hasn't been able to practice as much as he normally would. Well love you all.


Alive in Arizona!!

Yes, I know there has been a popular rumor going around that the Arizona Clan is MIA, not so we are alive and well. We are working our way out of a funk on our computers. I am still working getting the other one back running and just fixed a couple bugs on this one so it works with the email account.

Just a quick update on the Family:

Michelle did return alive and well from Japan on March 31st we are all so happy to have her home. She was missed tremendously. She had a good time but didnt get out to see as much as we all hoped (she spent most of her time on the Military Base).

Megan is working on the last couple of weeks in the semester at UA. She has a summer job planned in Salt Lake City selling security systems. My hope is that she is able to enjoy her time and earn some money. She has high expectations but I think it will be a good experience for her. She will be living at an apartment in Draper by the IKEA store. She still has plans to become a hair stylist but not sure when she will be pursuing it.

Corby is still living with is friend. I have a new goal to communicate with him at least 4 times a week. My problem is I think thats about 4 times more than he wants to communicate with me :(. He is working in the collections department at City Bank (its a new job that he just completed his last week of training on). He is still looking for transportation that he can use that is cheap.

Kailey has a huge summer planned she has a summer school class and a online class so she can have zero hour off like a normal senior next year. We are all cheering for her.

Chelsea is getting ready for Cheerleading tryouts this week and is hoping to be successful. I keep telling her that if she is she needs to keep her perspective right. She has a ton of really great friends right now that I would hate to see replaced with cheerleaders.

Heather is so awsome her and I have a personal mission to keep the swimming pool in swimming order. It feels like a full time job be we are making great progress. She is working on her young womens recognition award right now and is doing awsome.

Paige is making so much progress in school. The best part of that is that she has to earn every ounce and she does. She has a tap program coming up that we are all looking forward too.

In the up coming post remind me to talk about me (working on my guitar), the yard, Michelle's brother Jon, 2 new temple's in Arizona and other items.

I love you all and want to be together as a family forever. My hope and happiness will be full at that point, Love Larry.

Friday, April 25, 2008


The Bridgewater track team got CRUSHED! And I mean seriously CRUSHED! It was rather painful...totally outclassed by the team that Bridgewater's boys coach coached last year...amazingly talented running by Chain of Lakes...and Bridgewater ran poorly compared to the week before. *sigh*

At bat update....

JOSIE HIT! JOSIE HIT! HURRAY! And she didn't just simply hit, she had a three-run RBI which would have been a home run if they allowed more than three runs in the early innings! I'm BUSTING and she was smiling from ear to ear...literally! And then next up to bat she HIT AGAIN! It went between short stop and 3rd and she made it to first and, on the next pitch, stole all the way to third base! The monkey is off her back, we hope. She says she is so much more confident now. I'm so glad Stan threatened her with a $1 penalty for every strike she didn't swing at...LOL. (That works conversely, too...she made $4 in that game besides the two hits). Anyway, I just had to post it. I'm so thrilled for her! Oh, and she went and worked out in Clermont with an all-girls soccer team and still has mad skills even being rusty without playing for a year. (Although she had a softball moment: On the corner kick, she reached out with her hand like she had a mitt on to catch it. She was SO embarrassed and SO grateful the girl tanked the penalty kick...so was I...) She's going to be trying out for the team on June 14.

Later all...


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Attention Twilight Fans

If there are any of you that don't frequent Stephenie Meyer's website, please, do so now. They have links to video concerning the movie. Nece, I know my mom told you about the one, but they have a new one that they posted a link to on Monday April 21. It shows bits of fight scenes and gives more info on the characters. I think it is the best video yet. So go check it out if you have a chance. I'm very excited for the movie. Love you all and miss you like crazy.



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy week after tax season...

Yeah, I hope it wasn't as brutal for you all as it was for us! But it's over and I just have to get past it, I think...hard as it is...I'm bitter like Nece. And can I say I am FUMING at that resort?!? I am not kidding...total impotent rage. If you guys don't come in September because of it, you're going to have to tell me whose butt to kick when I get there in December. That's just totally unacceptable. BOO TO THEM! But Todd will find a better job and he'll probably be happier...so there to them.

Josie is busy getting ready for her dance recital in June. She's hoping her costume comes in today. On Thursday, she's going to go work out with a girls soccer team; one of the boys on Cody's team has a sister that plays on it. They want to meet her and check out her mad skills and she can't wait...but she's also started loving softball and wants to try both in the fall. I could cry...we'll have to see what happens.

Cody has his second meet tomorrow. Can't wait to tell him that Daphne is in track too...he'll be jealous of their options. Here they only have the running events, shot put and long jump...that's it, can you believe it? And btw...the guy that won the shot put last week was bean-pole thin...I was shocked. Daphne will rock it, I'm sure.

Faculty Follies went well...they raised over $2,000. I tried to bid up the pie for Stan and ended up getting it. I felt bad because one of his students should have had the honor. Oh well, Cody got him square in the back and Josie got him two days later with a surprise water balloon since she didn't get the chance at the event...lol. With this American Cancer Society fundraiser, I agree with Bethany and Janell...sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Melanoma is one of the most preventable cancers around. I sometimes forget here, especially when it was winter; I've made a vow to be better.

All is well here...I unpacked three more boxes...yes, we're still not unpacked and I know it's pathetic...but I really have been busy, I swear! Baby steps, right? Plus, I don't have near the storage space and the closet organizers they put in SUCK! Oh my, they are so cheap. So we're going to have to do something in our closet this summer. *Sigh. What are you going to do?

Love you all and will post again soon! Tell Brooks for me: Way to be a brave boy!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another change at the Andreason's

Okay huge complaint, I just typed this huge blog went to publish it and it erased the whole damn thing. I'm a little miffed right now. So I'm going to try and remember everything I wrote last time and who knows maybe this one will be better. Last Thursday Todd got officially laid off, they told him that they didn't have the revenue for his salary at the Sky Lodge in Park City. So he's now unemployed and looking for work, so cross your fingers for us. He is excited about playing softball next week and starting his garden up.
Brooks slammed his finger in the car door last Wednesday night, so after a visit to Insta Care, x-rays, stitches, and a hole poked through his fingernail to relieve the pressure he's doing okay now but was pretty stressed during the whole thing. He was milking it pretty good at school afterwards, he came home and told me how nice everyone was to him, how they had carried his books, scratched his back for him, held his paper while he was writing and that kind of stuff. I reminded him that is was his left hand and he's right handed, but he said everyone wanted to help him. It's funny when ever he tells someone what happened he always starts out "Well last Wednesday, I was getting out of the car", he makes me laugh.
I'm entered into a tennis tournament at the end of this month. I'm really excited I'm playing with a gal that I've been playing with for about a year so we are really comfortable with each other and how we play tennis. I went for my Cardiology appt last week the Doctor was really nice and seemed to know what he was doing. I had and EKG, ECHO CARDIOGRAM (ultra sound of the heart), Holiter Monitor (takes your heart rhythms for 24 hours), the ekg was fine but I don't have the results of any other of the tests yet. He's going to schedule a Cardiac Cat Scan this week sometime, so as long as my ticker is okay I don't mind glowing in the dark for a while. The best thing about the appt. was that he told me only to lose 40 pounds (I gained back all 25 that I lost last year), so that seems doable.
Megan it was really good to hear from you again. I think I might have guilted Larry into blogging again after I talked to him this morning. It is so easy to get so busy in our lives and let each other drift away, but this is such a easy thing to (especially if your not having to re-type twice, okay I'm still a little bitter). It's just so nice hearing about everyone and what you all are up to.
I almost forgot. Bethany I was supposed to give to Desiree's email along time ago to send her an invite to the blog. deelmt08@hotmail.com I would love to hear from Stan's clan. A couple weeks ago I took the kid's and we went to Natalie's h20 polo game. We had such a good time, it's amazing after all these years that I can get so emotionally involved in a game. They have changed some of the rules since I last played. Well I better end before my rambling just takes me over and keeps going. I think I actually like this draft better than the last. Go UTAH JAZZ!!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's been far too long. (Summer plans)

Hey All!

Well, I guess since I can't remember when I last posted that means that it's been far too long! I've been given the opportunity to work for an alarm company in SLC for the summer and i'm really excited about that. i'll be up there by the 19th of may and i'll be there until the end of Aug.(?) i'm told that our apartments are in Draper at Pinnacle Reserve...but i can't find that apartment complex...typo? this should be really fun, even though it's a lot of work. i want to work out like never before this summer especially since i can do that now. i think that in order to make sure i get at least a little exercise is to leave my car here and just ride my bike to trax and the like. there's a great public transportation system up there so i'm not too worried about it. besides, it's a big office and other people will have cars if so needed.

have you ever experienced sore muscles from stress? (if not, what are you taking and where can i get it?!) well, i had a chemistry test this past friday and i seriously think i was on the brink of a panic attack. i hate taking tests, no matter how ready i am for them. but, on to the point...now, a day later, i feel like my ribs and whole upper back are trying to squeeze out my insides! i'm not looking forward to how i feel in the morning.

well, it's kinda late and i did promise to watch "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with a friend, so i'm going to end this ramble riddled with horrible grammar and sketchy-at-best capitalization! that's how i roll.

Meg xoxo

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I know what you mean.

I so know what you mean about sunscreen. I didn't wear any for Josie's game or Cody's track meet, and now I'm a wee bit pink. It wasn't as bad as my left arm on my wedding day. LOL I still chuckle at that.
Things for Jake and I are going great. He's been really busy with work, but keeping up with everything and making his boss really happy. My work has been quite slow. My client hasn't had a lot of work the past couple weeks. So I took my retake test for my Q&E punctuation course and recieved an 82%. According to their grading scale that gives me a C+, but they're letting me move on because they say that they can tell that I'm improving. The funny thing is I got an 84% on the first one so a B-. Personally, I think that is a weird grading scale, but I'm not going to complain anymore. Like my mom said, I'm now working on Notereading (stenography) the court reporter shorthand. I just finished my first drill. /THEUS /EUS /A /SAPL /PAL /-FPLT = This is a sample. There are no punctuation marks on the steno keyboard so there are combinations for the marks. As you can see, /-FPLT is (.). There are 56 lessons in this section. They say that is you spend 10 to 15 hours a week (7 lessons a week) you should be done with THIS section in about 2 months.
Other than that things are just peachy. Jake and I did well on our taxes so he's going to buy me a spendy b-day present, and we'll still have enough money left over for the trip in December. For those of you who are oh so excited to know what my present is, he's getting me an IMac desktop. :-) I'm so excited. I feel so spoiled. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky.
For our anniversary this year we're going to go to a nice dinner and try to catch the Cirque De Sole show in Downtown Disney. Oh, but the fun doesn't stop there. Jake took that Friday off, and we're going to spend that day at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. It's going to be so much fun. Hee hee.
Becky, you so have to keep me posted on your trip. I'm so jealous!


Hello Everyone

Can I just say SUNSCREEN. Lynn and I played hooky Monday and went to the Bees game. It was a noon game, so after grabbing Miles from school we ran down to the field. We we got to the field I looked through the softball bag for sunscreen and couldn't find any. Needless to say Lynn and I got Fried. Our arms hurt so bad. It was 70's and windy the nicest day we've had all year. I am now buying tons of sunscreen for each of the kids softball bags and each of our cars. I really don't want to deal with the burn again.

I wasn't going to post again because I feel that I could just write same thing different day, week or month. But after thinking for awhile we do have other things going on here at the house.

We accomplished a Hugh project Conference weekend. We had a neighbor cut down four Hugh trees in their yard. Well it's cheaper to have someone else take the wood instead of the tree guys. So we told them we would take it all. We started hauling and splitting firewood on January 8th and finished it in April. Any weekend we didn't have softball commitments or crappy weather we were splitting and hauling wood. And we are now FINISHED. Hopefully we have enough wood to last a three winters. It feels great to have that hugh project done. The kids were great sports in getting it done.

Its great to hear that Cody is running track. Daphne is also doing track this year. Her gym coach asked her to do track and of course she wanted to. Its been great for her speed and endurance. The events she is doing is (think of Matilda and Ms. Trunchbold, I think that was the headmistresses name) Shot put and Discus. Daphne so doesn't have the body of a shot put and discus gal, but she loves it. Her first track meet was yesterday and she threw the shot put 20 feet and the discus 48 feet. She is having tons of fun and now wants us to purchase a shot put and discus so she can practice at home. We are thinking about it. Softball is still her sport of choice. We are starting Tourneys again in a few weeks, it will be fun to see her play. Daphne is doing awesome in school and doesn't procrastinate any assignments or projects. So unlike her parents. She still loves the U of A and is starting to like the Gators.

Hanalee will be so excited to hear about Josie and her softball playing. Lynn and Hanalee would love to have her on their team, they need some speed. Hanalee is still pitching like crazy, now we just need to work on her batting and speed. Her team is playing in a League that starts the first Thursday of May, she's really excited. She is also playing the same tournaments that Daphne is so they are at the same place most of the time. YEAH for me. Hanalee has a program tonight and she is looking forward to being in it. We really need to get her an music or drama group. She has such a cute personality. She is also doing well in school and is looking forward to having her teacher back from Maternity leave.

Miles is keeping us just as busy. He had been playing soccer for the last month and is staring T-ball in a few weeks. We can't believe the improvement he has made in both sports from last year. He is picking up reading and spelling so quickly. It's been great and sad at the same time. We are dreading the day he doesn't want a story read to him before bed. He is a great sport with all the softball and loves to have Lynn and the girls watch him when he plays. He told me the other day that he is ready to go to 1st grade and be in school all day. I cried. He is really excited that Brooks isn't moving to Moab.

Lynn and I are doing great, just tired. Trying to keep up with the kids is crazy at times. But we love it.

We love and miss you all tons.
Sorry for the long post.
If I can figure out how to post pictures I will.


We saw Melvin and Nancy Robinson at the track meet yesterday and their daughter Hailey is following her older sisters footsteps in the High jump. If any of you read the Deseret News their was a story on Ada in the Sunday paper sports section page 16.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yay, blog!

I'm so glad to see people (well, a few of us girls) back on the blog. I've been assembling a list of likes/dislikes that I'll get posted soon. Yeah, Becky, it is crazy how you get acclimated! Josie's Tuesday night game was the coldest I've been here...I had to pull out the denim blanket, folks, to wrap up in...all the other parents were jealous! Her team has been kicking it. The spring season is the competitive one where teams play to win, whereas fall is the teaching-skill part. Now that girl just needs to hit the freaking ball...which she CAN, but when those girls pitch, it just psyches her out! All she has to do it get on base and the girl will steal home, though...crazy quick. Did I already tell you they called her "Outlaw" in the fall? I think I did...(for Josie Wales, you know).

Cody is on the track team and they had their first meet. I had SO much fun watching and I SO didn't think I would. I totally understand what Julie was saying now. The girls team won and the boys team didn't...but that's okay. Cody was supposed to run the 800 and was put in the 4X400 relay with NO baton-handoff practice or anything! He did pretty well...and the boys team only lost by 10...pretty good for a first-time school team. I think he would have done well in the 800...can't wait to see him run it.

Bethany is getting ready for her next section of school. She has to learn to read steno...she's very worried. I told her she'll have to teach me! She'll do great!

Stan is getting ready for Faculty Follies. It's a fund raiser for the Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society. If you haven't seen Randy Pausch's speech (he's from Carnagie Mellon University), look it up on the Internet. It's inspiring and heartbreaking. Anyway, they are auctioning one ticket to hit Stan in the face with a pie. He's using his "Yo Mama" gift to inspire the kids to pay big for the opportunity. This is the "Yo Mama" he's using to get them to bid more: Yo mama so voracious, she gonna eat the pie before you have time to throw it!

Anyway, I love you all. The kids can't wait to see everyone in July, and we're busting for our visit over the holidays...even if we freeze our tails off!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hello all

I made it a goal to post once a week and I am doing that. I feel like I am doing like a journal but oh well eventually everyone will get involved again.

Whats new in the Wood household you ask? We had family pictures done yesterday up American Fork canyon. It was fun trying to keep everyone happy. Everything went ok I think, I am excited to get the pictures back and see how they turned out. Garrett had so much fun I think that he wanted to die by the end, but I have to remember that he is only 3 so he is entitled to have melt down now and then. It was funny as we were hiking up the snow to find a spot to start people kept falling through the crust. I thought it was funny until I did it and had to get myself back up on top. Maybe when we get the pictures back I will figure out how to post them on the blog so you can see.

I have started to play tennis again with LaNece. I made a total fool of myself yesterday when we went and played with some of her friends. I am going to play a summer league with her that should be fun and interesting. I am going to need a lot of practice to get up to speed but it was fun so what the heck.

Now that it is suppose to be warmer this week hopefully in the 70's, I am hoping to get some running in after work.

Well got to run. Hope to hear from everyone soon!


Monday, April 7, 2008

Family Book Update

I'm sure everyone is not surprised but after talking to Colleen I've decided to do the family book a little different. On every single persons page we are going to get every one's favorite memory of them. So on Dad's page I'll be calling all of you to get your favorite memory of Dad and so forth. I think this will be a lot of fun and I'm really starting (for real now) so I'll be calling you on Mom and Dad's memory first.

Hey I haven't heard from Larry in a long time? What's up with that? Did you know that we can have these blogs made into books? So it's like it's own running family history record. I thought it sounded way cool to do.

I'm getting a summer tennis league going starting in June through July. Becky's going to be playing with us. I'm way excited. I was going to start running this morning but guess what? I woke up to freakin' snow this morning. I am way tired of the snow. Love and miss everyone.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Computer

Hello all,

Me and mom just bought this new laptop that I am Blogging with. It is so cool. We decided to get it so that when we are in Europe this fall that we can blog everyday so that our family will know that we are ok. Also so we can show everyone where we have been that day! Well it sounds like a good excuse to me.

I am gearing up for a really busy summer. I am going to Philadelphia the 1st week in June I will being a tourist for 4 days and then I will do a 4 days of iaido seminar (basically Hell) but I love it. I am excited to see the Liberty bell and see where I Constitution was started along with the Bill of Rights. I am way excited to visit a place called the Bourne Foundation which has the largest collection of impressionist and post impressionistic art in the country. I am way excited. I addition to the historic sites I hope to spend a day at there museum of Art made famous by the Rocky movie.

I am waiting to hear how everone's weather is? We have been unseasonably cold and I would really like to get out again with out feeling frozen in place. I have heard that FLorida was hit by a cold spell and some serious storms. I hope and pray that all is well.

Did you really go to Japan Michelle? I am WAY WAY WAY jealous! That is one place that I would really like to go.

I have to run. Hope to hear from everyone soon.

Love you all


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wow have things changed in a couple weeks

Well I know you guys are starting to think that I'm way flaky, but things in our lives have changed again. We went down to Moab for Spring break and that evening I had the kidlets at the playground when Todd called me. His main boss Bill (one of the owners) was down there again and he told Todd that he didn't think that the property there was a very good place for Todd to have his family. Out in the middle of nowhere and nothing for the kids to do and no one for them to play with. So to make a long story short he is going transfer Todd up to the Sky Lodge in Park City and he will be the Assistant General Manager. So he'll get the experience that he needs and be home. He'll be making less money, about the same he made at Steins. We only had a couple months to get used to his salary increase so we'll be just fine. I am so excited and so are the kids and Todd. He gets to plant his garden and play softball this summer, the only thing that he's not looking forward to is the Park City drive.
I'm reading the 3rd Peter Pan book and it is really good. I'm still playing tennis and love it. I went to lunch with Tish before I left for Moab, she is doing well but really lonely now that Cathy is gone. They talked a lot. I'm wondering how Michelle's trip to Japan went? Well I best be going love and miss you all.

