Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween Pictures
Here are some of our Halloween pictures my friend Janae took them. The kids are doing really well and are way sugared up as I type. Tatum is at such a cute age for trick or treating. We went with Jonathan, Evets and Garrett. Jonathan hooked his four wheeler up to Dad's trailer and pulled us around. With the acre lots out here it made it a lot faster and more fun for the kids. At my house anyone junior high age or older that came to the door got a dum dum (we save the good stuff for the kids). It was really cute because Brooks wanted to wear his costume all the time because he was Dash from The Incredible (for you none Disney people). So he thought that he could run way fast when he was in costume, in fact he wanted to wear it under his uniform to his last soccer game. It was so cute but I told him "no". And as you can see Tatum is a cheerful as ever for pictures, I'll have to scan and post their school pictures, she's actually smiling in those. Brooks did really really good in soccer this year, he made at least one goal in every game. Lana way cool pictures and video, I had no idea that we could post video's how cool is that. Make sure you take some at X-mas to post and Larry you to since your not coming up for the big day.
Update on Todd he interviewed today with one on the owners of the Moab place and is really positive about how the interview went the other partner is coming in from New York next week and he'll interview with her. He really wants the job and it would be really good for him. So I hope it goes as well. Well I better get going, love and miss you all.
Cody Eats Grass
This is our favorite clip from Cody's last soccer game. He doesn't score a goal or make a miraculous save; that would be boring. He gets fouled hard and there is no call. I recommend replaying the part where he flies through the air and lands on his face. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
State Cross Country

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hello my wonderful family. Just wanted to drop a quick update about Jake and myself. We have just been chillin'. Jake has decided that next year, after we establish residency, he would like to try to go to school full-time. Just looking to decide what he would like to major in.I've been working as hard as I can. I joined a fitness boot camp, only a month, and have been slimming down and toning up. It is pretty fun but it is spendy, and I don't think I'll go back after my month is up. The time that I have spent there so far has really given me a good idea of what I need to do to get the body that I want. Only five more classes to go and then I'm done.
Oh, I've experienced what it is like to be attacked by fire ants a couple weeks ago. We went to the soccer quarter finals for my dad's team and I walked right through a colony of them. I didn't realize until they had completely covered my foot! It was kind of an ow moment, but I was able to catch them and get the off before they worked their way up my leg...
It sounds like things are going well for everyone, and that you all are staying out of too much trouble. LOL
It can be kind of lonely being so far away from you all and I miss you all so terribly. I can't wait for you to come and visit us. Well, that is about it for us. Love you all!
Oh, I've experienced what it is like to be attacked by fire ants a couple weeks ago. We went to the soccer quarter finals for my dad's team and I walked right through a colony of them. I didn't realize until they had completely covered my foot! It was kind of an ow moment, but I was able to catch them and get the off before they worked their way up my leg...
It sounds like things are going well for everyone, and that you all are staying out of too much trouble. LOL
It can be kind of lonely being so far away from you all and I miss you all so terribly. I can't wait for you to come and visit us. Well, that is about it for us. Love you all!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Greetings from sunny FLA! We finally had our first cold front roll was 64 degrees the other morning...brrr! Better keep those parkas handy (haha!). But at least the beginning of October signals the end of the lovebug mating season here. They are totally harmless (except to car paint...which their corrosive guts will eat a hole through it if you don't get them washed off ASAP!), but Josie was freaking anyway...because they were EVERYWHERE! They covered the lanai and were always landing on you.
Just spent the nicest couple days with Mike and Charlotte and their whole family. We went to Clearwater Beach on Thursday and it was a beautiful day. We literally floated in the water for more than 3 hours with pelicans diving all around us, fresh fish (and I mean in the flirty way...brushing up against EVERYONE...little bait fish flying out of the water and running into the kids' was hilarious). We had to shuffle our feet since there was a dangerous marine life flag up...there were stingrays in the area. Stan and Mike saw one before it swam for cover when the rest of us charged over to get a peek. Then they all came over for a was just heaven to be with loved ones. We had no idea how much we truly missed everyone, and then I suddenly had a very clear memory of talking to Larry about that very thing, how awesome those first visitors were for the family in Tucson. So all y'all better hurry before we aren't so keen on company ( if, right?...we didn't want to let poor Mike and Charlotte leave...practically followed their van out of the neighborhood!).
We're deep into soccer and softball which will keep us jammed until the middle of November. Training for the marathons is going well...we do our 20-mile run tomorrow and are extremely grateful for the cooler temps. Josie just finished her diversity project week...with HUGE props going to Grandma and Aunt Necie! You should have been noted at the top of her bibliography! She did refer to you often in her report and during her oral presentation. And of course the cookies were a hit...much more popular than the Dominican Republic crackers made with a little mashed plantain. Josie asked her little friend, "How can you think those are good? They don't taste like anything..." We're still working on the tact thing.
Anyway, love you all and miss everyone like crazy...even more so since seeing some family!
Just spent the nicest couple days with Mike and Charlotte and their whole family. We went to Clearwater Beach on Thursday and it was a beautiful day. We literally floated in the water for more than 3 hours with pelicans diving all around us, fresh fish (and I mean in the flirty way...brushing up against EVERYONE...little bait fish flying out of the water and running into the kids' was hilarious). We had to shuffle our feet since there was a dangerous marine life flag up...there were stingrays in the area. Stan and Mike saw one before it swam for cover when the rest of us charged over to get a peek. Then they all came over for a was just heaven to be with loved ones. We had no idea how much we truly missed everyone, and then I suddenly had a very clear memory of talking to Larry about that very thing, how awesome those first visitors were for the family in Tucson. So all y'all better hurry before we aren't so keen on company ( if, right?...we didn't want to let poor Mike and Charlotte leave...practically followed their van out of the neighborhood!).
We're deep into soccer and softball which will keep us jammed until the middle of November. Training for the marathons is going well...we do our 20-mile run tomorrow and are extremely grateful for the cooler temps. Josie just finished her diversity project week...with HUGE props going to Grandma and Aunt Necie! You should have been noted at the top of her bibliography! She did refer to you often in her report and during her oral presentation. And of course the cookies were a hit...much more popular than the Dominican Republic crackers made with a little mashed plantain. Josie asked her little friend, "How can you think those are good? They don't taste like anything..." We're still working on the tact thing.
Anyway, love you all and miss everyone like crazy...even more so since seeing some family!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
arizona adventures
i've been meaning to write for a few days, but my brain keeps pulling up a blank when i sit down to type. does that ever happen to any of you?
i do have a small amount of news though. i finally got a cell phone. i'm with Verizon, so i get free mobile to mobile minuets in that network, and i have unlimited texts. (which i found was a good thing when i had over 100 texts before i had even had the phone 24 hours.) so, without further adieu here is the phone number...520.425.6589. send me a text or give me a call so i have your number!
Brian Wheelwright, the boy i went on the hike with, has started a running "club" at the institute that i might join. the only problem with that is that i don't like running with other people all that much. another friend of mine was thinking about starting a club at the UofA. it was going to be an LDS co-ed Fraternity called Nu Epsilon Phi, abbreviated NEPhi. LOL! i thought it was clever. however, it probably won't happen since we need a faculty advisor and we don't know of any LDS professors who could fill that spot. but! if it does happen, i fill the spot of activities co-coordinator along with Alec Nielson. at very least we're still going to make shirts.
well, i'm off to teach myself how to play "Motorcycle Drive By" by Third Eye Blind on the guitar!
Love Ya! Meg xoxo
i do have a small amount of news though. i finally got a cell phone. i'm with Verizon, so i get free mobile to mobile minuets in that network, and i have unlimited texts. (which i found was a good thing when i had over 100 texts before i had even had the phone 24 hours.) so, without further adieu here is the phone number...520.425.6589. send me a text or give me a call so i have your number!
Brian Wheelwright, the boy i went on the hike with, has started a running "club" at the institute that i might join. the only problem with that is that i don't like running with other people all that much. another friend of mine was thinking about starting a club at the UofA. it was going to be an LDS co-ed Fraternity called Nu Epsilon Phi, abbreviated NEPhi. LOL! i thought it was clever. however, it probably won't happen since we need a faculty advisor and we don't know of any LDS professors who could fill that spot. but! if it does happen, i fill the spot of activities co-coordinator along with Alec Nielson. at very least we're still going to make shirts.
well, i'm off to teach myself how to play "Motorcycle Drive By" by Third Eye Blind on the guitar!
Love Ya! Meg xoxo
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Here's the names drawn for Xmas
Can you believe that it is that time again already, I meant to have this done along time ago but better late than never. These first ones in parenthesis have each other so I'm not going to type them in twice (Leslie-Megan, Natalie-Kailey, Lori-Chelsea, Corby-Connor) now comes the rest Daphne-Heather, Hanalee-Whitney, Miles-Allyson, Cody-Daphne, Josie-Hanalee, Brooks-Taylor, Tatum-Hunter, Heather-Cody, Paige-Miles, Allyson-Josie, Whitney-Tatum, Hunter-Brooks, Taylor-Garrett, Garrett-Paige. Like I said I really meant to have this done along time ago but forgot.
Brooks scored his first touchdown Wednesday, he was so excited. He did the big fist clenching man thing, it was really cute and of course my video camera battery was dead. He usually plays defense because he's pretty fast and can chase down the other kids and pull out there flags. He's really enjoying it. His soccer is going great so far his scored a couple goals every game that he plays, last week we showed up to his game and it was actually snowing (can you believe that?) The other team only had two players show up so we rescheduled for tonight. Talk about some gale like winds out in Herriman and I though Bluffdale was bad. Brooks is off track right now so he's signed up at Marv Jensen's twice a week and goes with his friend McKay and they play all different kinds of sports, they absolutely love it and I get a little quiet time. We slept out in the trailer a couple nights ago, because the kids wanted to, I'm sorry did I say sleep? Well they slept I stayed awake and heard every noise (surprise, surprise) the wind was blowing that night too. It was pretty fun, Todd was betting we'd be back in the house by 3:00 a.m. we made it all night. It's funny, I play tennis twice a week and lately I actually feel like I'm digressing, I swear I'm getting worse, how can that be? And my reflexes are totally shot. Wait until you young pups start getting old. It's way fun though, I wish someone in the family would take it up so I would have a partner. Well I better get going. Love everyone and miss you tons.
Brooks scored his first touchdown Wednesday, he was so excited. He did the big fist clenching man thing, it was really cute and of course my video camera battery was dead. He usually plays defense because he's pretty fast and can chase down the other kids and pull out there flags. He's really enjoying it. His soccer is going great so far his scored a couple goals every game that he plays, last week we showed up to his game and it was actually snowing (can you believe that?) The other team only had two players show up so we rescheduled for tonight. Talk about some gale like winds out in Herriman and I though Bluffdale was bad. Brooks is off track right now so he's signed up at Marv Jensen's twice a week and goes with his friend McKay and they play all different kinds of sports, they absolutely love it and I get a little quiet time. We slept out in the trailer a couple nights ago, because the kids wanted to, I'm sorry did I say sleep? Well they slept I stayed awake and heard every noise (surprise, surprise) the wind was blowing that night too. It was pretty fun, Todd was betting we'd be back in the house by 3:00 a.m. we made it all night. It's funny, I play tennis twice a week and lately I actually feel like I'm digressing, I swear I'm getting worse, how can that be? And my reflexes are totally shot. Wait until you young pups start getting old. It's way fun though, I wish someone in the family would take it up so I would have a partner. Well I better get going. Love everyone and miss you tons.
Monday, October 1, 2007
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