Thursday, August 30, 2007

Potty Training Trials

Well the potty training trauma's keep going on. We still are not having luck with the big number two. She only has a problem every once in a while with peeing her pants but yesterday was the first time she's actually pooped in a toilet and it was over at Julie's, I'm not sure what her deal is but it's really starting to annoy me (we all know how patient I am). I'm playing tennis twice a week and having a riot. Bethany maybe you should take this up to eleviate the boredom thing and it's a good way to meet new friends. Brooks has his first soccer practice tonight and is really excited. He's going to be playing flag football also, so I'm sure we will be plenty busy. This week seems to be going a little better for him in school.
Becky gave me a really good tip for the blogger and I'm sure you all already do it, but she goes down to her last entry and starts there so she doesn't miss any one's posting.
I hope Todd's interview goes well tomorrow he really could do with a change of scenery. Brooks just came in from school and would like to say to everyone "Hi, I had a really good day and I love everybody". He's pretty eloquent. What good kids I have.
Does anyone know if I can burn a c.d. from what I have on my ipod? I'm not very computer savvy.

1 comment:

Middle One said...

Hey, sister!

No, I do not believe you can. You would already have to have the songs in your iTunes. But I'll try to remember to doublecheck with Jake...