Okay. Sorry this took so long. I haven't been on the blog in so long. I just wanted to leave a quick note to say that I changed Colleen to an administrator. Meg, your email addy on the blog permissions was megsprunt@gmail.com when I moved over to check so someone must have done that :-)
Glad to read that everyone is doing well. That makes me very happy.
Love and miss you all,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Andreason Update
Todd got a new job up in Deer Valley at the St. Regis Hotel (can you believe he wants to drive that again?). He is really excited they open up in November so he has been doing a ton of interviews trying to get his staff all filled.
Brooks is playing flag football again and loving it. He is pretty dang fast if I don't say so myself. And he loves to play football. This spring I'm going to try and talk him into playing baseball instead of soccer and give it one more chance. He played a couple years ago and said "it's so boring"!!!!!
Tatum is loving Kindergarten (can anyone else believe she's that old) her teacher is Mrs. Allen and she seems really nice. She already knows her letters and sounds but she loves going to school.
Christmas list update: We are not doing the adult gift exchange this year. We decided with the economy and everything we will just focus on the kids.
Older kids list (junior high to high school)
Lori-has Hanalee Daphne-has Paige Hanalee-has Cody Cody-has Daphne Heather-has Lori
Paige-has Allyson Allyson-has Heather
Younger kids list
Miles-has Whitney Josie-has Brooks Brooks-has Miles Tatum-has Josie Whitney-has Clara Hunter-has Garrett
Taylor-has Tatum Garrett-has Hunter Clara-has Taylor
If you have any questions call or email me. I just love the fall when the weather starts cooling down. We also have MLB playoffs. Go Dodgers the just barely pulled off their 2nd win against St. Louis tonight. I am doing great if you can count running around like a chicken with it's head cut off great. I started taking cooking classes once a month again. The teacher that I really enjoy has a great blog with recipes on it if any ones interested. For the family reunion Colleen and I were going to do a family cook book and have if published so be thinking of recipes that you would like to put in. You can email me or just copy them and we will put them in for you. I love and miss all the family that is away. Does anyone know can Conner get on this to update his mission?
Love ya,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Happy October
Hello all,
Just wanted to bring you up to date on everything that is going on in my life.
Quick note for Megan, Jake has the rights to add you to the blog with the new e-mail address. If Bethany or Jake is reading this will you add her, and is there a way that we can also make my mom a manager of the blog? That would help with adding people here.
Me and mom got back from Washington DC a almost 2 wks ago and I am still trying to get caught up on my blog about it. If you haven't checked out my blog here is a link www.rebeccaslifeblog.blogspot.com . We had a great time and ran ourselves ragged. We had a blast though and even learned some new things about myself and conquering fear! We didn't rent a car so we rode the Metro everywhere we went sometimes to our detriment. We saw all kinds of cool things and do all kinds of cool stuff and I will have to post pictures on my next post because I don't think that my camera has enough battery to try to download here at work.
I am really enjoying the girls I get to work with in Young Womens, at times this calling does feel overwhelming and then just when you least expect it something will happen, something profound and you realize that it was all worth the time, energy, sweat, tears and heartache. I love those ah ha moments when the girls have break-through's and realize that maybe they should be thinking about consequences for their actions before they head in the wrong direction. This month I have been in charge of 2 different activities an Unhappy Birthday Party, and our quarterly Book club. Both activities went extremely well and I had lots of fun doing them.
On the work front we have started picking back up patient wise and we are constantly busy, not overwhelmingly but a constant flow. I image it will continue at least through the Flu season and maybe beyond if we continue to see the economy improve. I work with a group of girls that are very friendly and I love working with them.
The bummer of this post is that it is like 37 degrees outside and most of my garden is gone. I picked all of the remaining peppers, eggplant, peas, tomatoes etc... last night and I covered the tomatoes in the hope that they will not freeze. I have had a bumper crop since returning from DC, last weekend I bottled 21 quarts of tomatoes alone, and I think I probably have that many on the vine waiting to ripen, so I guess I will see when I get home how well I did.
Yesterday was Timmy's birthday, today is Nathan's birthday and that just means more baking to make them happy. I need to make a German Chocolate cake for Timmy and Apple Pie for Nathan so much much more to do!
I am glad that some else has gotten on and blogged so I don't feel like such a dork. I really enjoy reading about what everyone is doing especially since I don't see a lot of you more then 1 maybe 2 times a year.
I am so glad that we get to communicate with everyone so we all know what's going on. So here is the wake-up call to everyone out there that has not posted! I know that you have done something over the summer and I want to know about it. I am so proud of Megan going back to school, and Bethany for working so hard and holding on to her dreams! I want to know everyone else just as well.
Hope to hear from you all SOON! Love you all more then words can describe!
Just wanted to bring you up to date on everything that is going on in my life.
Quick note for Megan, Jake has the rights to add you to the blog with the new e-mail address. If Bethany or Jake is reading this will you add her, and is there a way that we can also make my mom a manager of the blog? That would help with adding people here.
Me and mom got back from Washington DC a almost 2 wks ago and I am still trying to get caught up on my blog about it. If you haven't checked out my blog here is a link www.rebeccaslifeblog.blogspot.com . We had a great time and ran ourselves ragged. We had a blast though and even learned some new things about myself and conquering fear! We didn't rent a car so we rode the Metro everywhere we went sometimes to our detriment. We saw all kinds of cool things and do all kinds of cool stuff and I will have to post pictures on my next post because I don't think that my camera has enough battery to try to download here at work.
I am really enjoying the girls I get to work with in Young Womens, at times this calling does feel overwhelming and then just when you least expect it something will happen, something profound and you realize that it was all worth the time, energy, sweat, tears and heartache. I love those ah ha moments when the girls have break-through's and realize that maybe they should be thinking about consequences for their actions before they head in the wrong direction. This month I have been in charge of 2 different activities an Unhappy Birthday Party, and our quarterly Book club. Both activities went extremely well and I had lots of fun doing them.
On the work front we have started picking back up patient wise and we are constantly busy, not overwhelmingly but a constant flow. I image it will continue at least through the Flu season and maybe beyond if we continue to see the economy improve. I work with a group of girls that are very friendly and I love working with them.
The bummer of this post is that it is like 37 degrees outside and most of my garden is gone. I picked all of the remaining peppers, eggplant, peas, tomatoes etc... last night and I covered the tomatoes in the hope that they will not freeze. I have had a bumper crop since returning from DC, last weekend I bottled 21 quarts of tomatoes alone, and I think I probably have that many on the vine waiting to ripen, so I guess I will see when I get home how well I did.
Yesterday was Timmy's birthday, today is Nathan's birthday and that just means more baking to make them happy. I need to make a German Chocolate cake for Timmy and Apple Pie for Nathan so much much more to do!
I am glad that some else has gotten on and blogged so I don't feel like such a dork. I really enjoy reading about what everyone is doing especially since I don't see a lot of you more then 1 maybe 2 times a year.
I am so glad that we get to communicate with everyone so we all know what's going on. So here is the wake-up call to everyone out there that has not posted! I know that you have done something over the summer and I want to know about it. I am so proud of Megan going back to school, and Bethany for working so hard and holding on to her dreams! I want to know everyone else just as well.
Hope to hear from you all SOON! Love you all more then words can describe!
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