Colleen and Becky, I'm so jealous! Italy looks absolutely divine, so beautiful. I'm very glad that you two had a good time.
Larry, congratulations! You'll be a wonderful grandpa! :-) So happy for you and for Crystal and Max.
It was wonderful to see Nece, Todd, Brooks and Tatum. The beach was splendid. I have to say that for the most part I don't let the humidity get to me. I guess you could say that I'm acclimatized. That only means I'll be a shriveled up raisin popsicle come Christmas. LOL. The dry and cold will be...interesting to say the least. But I can't wait to see everyone. I miss you all so much.
Things are going well with Jake. He's working hard at his job, it isn't his favorite, but he doesn't let it get to him. They are cutting hours because of how things are working out in the economy, absolutely NO over-time and they took an hour a day off. So he goes in at 7:30 and gets off at 2:30 now. I'm not sure if they will go as far as laying more people off, but I don't worry about Jake. He works too hard, and they like him too much to let him go. He's going to schedule a time to take his GED test soon, then, he will be going to college. :-) I'm very excited for him. It will be nice for him to find something that he really enjoys.
Not a whole lot has happened with me. My court reporter hasn't sent anything in awhile. She only sends me half of the work she takes on so that there is less of a bill for her. I'll just get done with school quickly so that I can find a more reliable client. That's it for me. Not much excitement, you see. LOL
We're really glad to be here in Florida with my family. Living with them and paying a household contribution will make things a lot easier for Jake and me while he is in school. We all get along so well so it is a great situation.
Happy Halloween! I can't wait to see you all very soon (because time is flying by so fast...)!
I'll try to be better about hopping on and saying hello.