Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh My Heck! 62 degrees and hot chocolate? It just got up to 60 this week and I went running in shorts and a tee and it was great. I don't think that I could have drank hot chocolate. It's funny how quickly you adjust to our climate!! I remember in high school visiting Phoenix and people wearing coats when it was like 60-70 and we thought they were crazy (only because we were in shorts and sandals). But part of that is the fact that it has been a cold and snowy winter so 60 feels like 80 right now. We did get a cold front come in and had snow yesterday and today is pretty chilly( it was 30 this morning).

I am glad to here that you are walking with Bethany. I am trying to get my stamina up so I can really run a 5k or 10k but after not running for so long it is hard to get back into it and not feel like I am going to DIE! I am doing the run walk thing and I am sure I won't be able to really run for a couple of months but my goal is to do a 5k this summer and a 10k this fall. I just need to really get in shape so when mom and me go to Italy that I can survive the 3 wks of touring every day all day. I really just want to be more healthy so walking/running will be good.

I have made a personal goal of using less gas so I have started riding Trax in the morning. It has been great. I was able to ride everyday to work this week and it is really relaxing and gives me time to decompress on the way home.

It sounds like Stan will be busy. Girls track sounds fun! Is he still doing the soccer coaching? I am sure he is crazy busy but who isn't.

Jake keep your head up things are bound to get better soon. Extra time in the morning means you should be blogging! He He He

Well I glad to hear you guys are doing good. I hope that all is well with everyone else. Love you all!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hey, hey!

Yeah, Becky, we have been busy running from practice to practice. It's insane but the kids love it. We've had a wonderful winter here though it was chilly tonight at the game...don't laugh, okay? It was 62 degrees and we were freezing! Had to buy hot chocolate, I'm not kidding. We're going to die when we come for X-mas.

Josie is counting the days until she gets to come to Salt Lake in July and feels like 4 months is just TOO long to wait. It's all very dramatic.

Cody is too much like his mom in the school procrastination behavior. It's 10:30 p.m. and he's working on a project that's due tomorrow! SHAME! If he weren't getting 4.0 all year, I might have to smack him.

Bethany and I continue to enjoy our walks. I'm going to get her running a bit with me but will have to start weekday training on my own, for the most part. Stan is the assistant coach for the girls track team so he'll get his mileage in easy!

Jake changed his hours so he has way more time in the morning than he knows how to fill. He usually just goes in a little early.

Anyway, Nece, the house is totally darling and the view is amazing! There's nothing like that red rock!

Love you all and am determined to stay on top of the blog...

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Nice that I can write what I mean.

LaNece: The view looks spectacular! And the house looks cute! Is what I meant to write but it didn't really come out that way

Happy Easter (almost)

Happy Easter everyone!

I know that I am a little early but I will forget if I don't do it right now.

The house looks quaint and has a not view. I am glad that you are spending time down there and that you will get a good feel for the rural life. I loved the time we were in Montana I have great memories living out in the middle of nowhere.

I was glad to hear from Lana and find out that everything is going good. It sounds like you will be busy running kids from practice to practice. How is the weather down there? I was hoping I would be able to visit this year but with a trip to Philadelphia and 3 wks in Europe it will have to wait until next year!

As for me and mom's trip to Italy we are still going. We decided to take the other tour that includes Greece and Turkey. It makes me a little nervous but it will be fun. We only have 6 months until we go!

As for work I have been slammed. I had an employee take an unexpected FMLA. I think she just has some mental issues but that just makes us really short all of the time. I have started taking Trax to work 3 out of 4 days a week and it has been so nice not to have to worry about traffic and I read and just relax. I really like it and it is saving me so much money on gas. IHC gives us month passes for $6 a month and I am save about 60 a month in gas so it is so worth it! And its good for the environment and the air quality.

We are having Julie and Allie and Jonathan and Evets and Garrett over for Easter. I am excited to have and egg hunt and eat some good food. I hope that everyone has a good holiday!

I Love and miss all of you!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Moab House

Here are some pictures of the Moab place. The rock pictures are taken right outside our front door. We've changed plans a little. We are keeping Brooks in school up here and going down on off track times (so we are leaving this Wednesday and coming back around April 8, or 9). Then when he's back on track we will go down every other weekend and Todd will try and come up one weekend a month. And we'll basically be there all summer (except when Cody and Josie come in July). It's incredibly pretty down there but way remote for the kids. So we are going to try this and see how it works and who knows we might be changing things before I blog again. Love everyone.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

9 down, 16 to go!

Well, we made it through our 3rd marathon here. We manage to get slower EVERY time but have moved beyond caring! The good news is we can do 3 a year in Florida for the next 3 years without repeating least.

Things have been consistently busy here. Josie just started her second season of softball and is loving it. Her coaches this time are better organized and she's learned a lot...but she's so athletic she'll excel at anything. But she really misses soccer and is looking forward to fall to get on a team. Her mom is just not up to another sport at the same time! It's just too, too much.

Cody's second season with soccer has started and they were moved up to the next level. They lost their first game after going undefeated last season....they needed to be humbled, though. He's on the beta club, has maintained a 4.0 all year and you should hear him play the guitar! It's pretty cool.

Bethany has been busy with school and semi-busy with a client that drives us both crazy. So we go on walks with Tony and commiserate and are having a great time working together. Jake is at a closer shop, which is awesome, but looks forward to starting school before too long.

Stan can't wait for school to be over. They have the FCAT testing this week and everyone is hating it. But only about 8 weeks before summer break! He'll be in St. George for a week doing the new coaches clinic at the debate clinic. At least it will be a dry heat (haha!).

Now I have to dive into finding all the stuff we need for taxes this year...wish me luck! Gotta get it sent to Al ASAP! I'm going to try to be good again about posting. Let's all get this baby rolling again. What with the loss of someone in the family, I'm feeling the distance and wanting to stay connected with the family I love so dearly. Love you all and can't wait to see you during the holidays. It will be here before we know it!


Saturday, March 1, 2008

The punch line!

Okay. Get this...the monkey just went ahead and ate that poor delicious banana! LOL

Honestly, no one was posting and I thought a little teaser would brighten things up a bit. I really should've come up with a better punch line. LOL

Becky, I'm sorry to hear about your trip. I would love to see those places as well.
Nece, I hope that things work out the way you're hoping they will.
Janelle, I'm with everyone else. You've got to put your family first. :)

Things are going well here. I've had to neglect my class a little this week because I've had a few jobs come in. I'm actually slacking off on my work to post this, but I really need a break from this carbon monoxide case. It is starting to drive me crazy! LOL. Mom and Dad are in Sarasota to run another marathon. They'll be back tomorrow. Cody had his first soccer game and lost. He said that they just weren't in shape or on the ball today. Josie had softball practice today and has another one tomorrow. She is a fast runner. They split the team in two and had a race today. Josie's team fell behind but when it was her turn to run she brought them back for the win! Woohoo! Jake won't be doing the onsite printing. It is further away then his present location and they're only offering him a 50 cent raise to go to the downtown location. He turned it down and they asked what it would take to get him to go there, and he said 13.50 an hour. They didn't say anything. He is still waiting for the raise that he was told would come last November. *sigh* He isn't too worried because he is going to find something part time this fall so that he can go to school full time. He is very excited. That means, though, that we may be waiting for him to finish before we hop on the baby train. I'm a little bummed but I know that it would be for the best. I'm not sure if I can afford insurance that will cover maternity if Jake is working part time. There is a possibility that I may be able to but it really depends on what my client situation is after school. In other words, I can live if we have to wait because I can be logical. :)
I'm glad that things are going really well for grandma. I heard that she was giggling in the hospital when she started to wake up. She is quite the trooper. A very strong and sometimes stubborn woman. That is where we all get it from... :)
Love and miss you all and I can't wait to see you all in December!