Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Loving my family!
Hello mi familia!!! I miss you all so much. Thanksgiving is upon us and I can't help but feel a little down. It can be hard being so far away. I'm very thankful for my family and friends in Utah. I'm also thankful for my family and friends here in Florida. Not to mention very thankful for my husband (he's had to put up with me. LOL). My good health is also something to be thankful for.
How is everyone doing these days? Things are going well here. I haven't had a lot of work from my court reporter and I really want to go to school soon so I can get another client. With all that in mind my dad and I had a talk and he suggested that I look for an online scoping and editing course and I found one that sounds awesome and has had some rave reviews! It will only cost me $2325, but you get a lot out of the course and they are really in depth with their modules. If I feel that I don't get enough from their editing course then I can take a proofreading course through another site that only costs $330. If you add that all up it is cheaper then one year of school at a college. Then I can become a partner in my mom's company and I can get some more clients. Not to mention expand the company. I've very excited to be able to have the opportunity to do this.
Jake is doing well. Just waiting on his raise now. We are very excited because his mother will be flying down for Christmas this year. We are still running and we are running a family fun run with everyone tomorrow morning. We are also going to run a 5k in December. It feels so great to get out and do something together.
The fam is doing well. Cody and Josie are loving their week off. Can you believe that they get the whole week off for Thanksgiving here? I think that is awesome. To celebrate Jake took Monday off of work and we went kayaking with the family. We saw three big gators! It was AWESOME!!! We also saw a LOT of turtles. We want to go camping there sometime soon.
Ma has been uber busy with her clients. Pa is doing well. They are both resting and getting ready for the Space Coast Marathon that they are running on Saturday. Then they have one at the end of December and one in January... Yeah, they are crazy! LOL.
Nece I'm so excited for you and Todd! That is such great news! Moab is so beautiful. I loved hearing about you running with Grandpa. It is so nice to run with somebody. What are you goals for running?
Well, I'm off to play some more WOW before dinner. I love you all terribly and miss you like crazy!!! Give hugs and kisses to everyone.
How is everyone doing these days? Things are going well here. I haven't had a lot of work from my court reporter and I really want to go to school soon so I can get another client. With all that in mind my dad and I had a talk and he suggested that I look for an online scoping and editing course and I found one that sounds awesome and has had some rave reviews! It will only cost me $2325, but you get a lot out of the course and they are really in depth with their modules. If I feel that I don't get enough from their editing course then I can take a proofreading course through another site that only costs $330. If you add that all up it is cheaper then one year of school at a college. Then I can become a partner in my mom's company and I can get some more clients. Not to mention expand the company. I've very excited to be able to have the opportunity to do this.
Jake is doing well. Just waiting on his raise now. We are very excited because his mother will be flying down for Christmas this year. We are still running and we are running a family fun run with everyone tomorrow morning. We are also going to run a 5k in December. It feels so great to get out and do something together.
The fam is doing well. Cody and Josie are loving their week off. Can you believe that they get the whole week off for Thanksgiving here? I think that is awesome. To celebrate Jake took Monday off of work and we went kayaking with the family. We saw three big gators! It was AWESOME!!! We also saw a LOT of turtles. We want to go camping there sometime soon.
Ma has been uber busy with her clients. Pa is doing well. They are both resting and getting ready for the Space Coast Marathon that they are running on Saturday. Then they have one at the end of December and one in January... Yeah, they are crazy! LOL.
Nece I'm so excited for you and Todd! That is such great news! Moab is so beautiful. I loved hearing about you running with Grandpa. It is so nice to run with somebody. What are you goals for running?
Well, I'm off to play some more WOW before dinner. I love you all terribly and miss you like crazy!!! Give hugs and kisses to everyone.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Moab here we come!!
Well can you believe Todd got the job in Moab. I am really excited for him, he really deserves it. He will be starting December 3rd. He gave Stein's his two week notice today and said it felt really good. They actually have living quarters about one half mile away so that's where he'll be staying. Brooks has almost all of January off track so we will be going down that whole time and then again for most of March, then school ends for him in the second week of June. We'll also be going down for a long weekend every other week. So it's now really starting to sink in.
Brooks is doing well in school and can be so cute, Tatum likes preschool once she's actually there. She giggles and runs to you every time you pick her up. Tennis is doing well I've actually turned a corner when my stroke is starting to really come together.
Dad started running with me about two weeks ago the first week was a little hit and miss then last week I told him I was starting 5 miles again. So he was off and running with me, I decided that since he hadn't run that far for I'm sure quite sometime that we should walk the 3rd mile and the when ended up walking a 1/4 mile of mile 5. He did so good. We ran the same thing on Wednesday and took off a couple minutes and when we ran Friday I am telling you I was struggling. The first 1/4 mile my rhythm was all off and I was sucking major wind, but I looked over at Dad and he was just plugging along so I decided to buck up and keep going. When we stopped to walk our 3rd mile I told him how hard the first part was and he said I know, I kept on going because you were still going. So I guess that's really good that we're going together. We've taken off about two minutes each time we run. Today Julie joined us and smoked our behinds. She did awesome, I hope she gets addicted. We are planning our own Turkey Trot out here the morning of Thanksgiving so we can eat a little more guilt free.(ha,ha). Well I love everyone and miss you tons.
Brooks is doing well in school and can be so cute, Tatum likes preschool once she's actually there. She giggles and runs to you every time you pick her up. Tennis is doing well I've actually turned a corner when my stroke is starting to really come together.
Dad started running with me about two weeks ago the first week was a little hit and miss then last week I told him I was starting 5 miles again. So he was off and running with me, I decided that since he hadn't run that far for I'm sure quite sometime that we should walk the 3rd mile and the when ended up walking a 1/4 mile of mile 5. He did so good. We ran the same thing on Wednesday and took off a couple minutes and when we ran Friday I am telling you I was struggling. The first 1/4 mile my rhythm was all off and I was sucking major wind, but I looked over at Dad and he was just plugging along so I decided to buck up and keep going. When we stopped to walk our 3rd mile I told him how hard the first part was and he said I know, I kept on going because you were still going. So I guess that's really good that we're going together. We've taken off about two minutes each time we run. Today Julie joined us and smoked our behinds. She did awesome, I hope she gets addicted. We are planning our own Turkey Trot out here the morning of Thanksgiving so we can eat a little more guilt free.(ha,ha). Well I love everyone and miss you tons.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Question for Megan
Will you check the UofA bookstore for a red softball jersey. We got one for Daphne while in Oklahoma and we have miss placed it. Actually I think it went to DI with some other items that needed to be washed in cold water. We are missing quite a few clothing items currently. If you could check and then let me know that would be great. I was thinking of getting her another one for Christmas.
Will you check the UofA bookstore for a red softball jersey. We got one for Daphne while in Oklahoma and we have miss placed it. Actually I think it went to DI with some other items that needed to be washed in cold water. We are missing quite a few clothing items currently. If you could check and then let me know that would be great. I was thinking of getting her another one for Christmas.
i'm not sure how many of you follow pac10 football, but the UA won our homecoming game! wahoo. lol, in all reality we have a really cruddy football team, and we beat one of the pac10's most inconsistent teams this season, UCLA. but still, a win is a win. and i think i wasn't the only one in the stadium who thought so as, after the clock ran out, almost the whole student section stormed the field! i decided that i'd participate in that if we won a team that was any kind of good. but looking back on it, i should have just gone with the flow and enjoyed myself by rushing with my classmates. also, in amazing pac10 football news...ASU LOST!!!! -cheers- oregon gave them their first lose of the season. for those who don't know, "AS WHO?" is our rival school. i don't think i'll be going to that game though, as it is an away game and i'm not one for driving all the way up there when i don't absolutely have to.
i had two tests this weekend (friday and monday), and i feel pretty confident about them! i should though, all the information was really easy.
have any of you experienced the phenomenon that is longboarding? it's a big craze here on campus, and i rode on for the first time last week. i'll be honest, i am terrible! but it's still fun. i just need more practice.
halloween was a lot of fun for me. friday night we had an institute dance and then Kimball, Corby and i all hung out for the rest of the night before Kimball left at 4:30 for hawaii....-tear-. in order to not cry my eyes out all night the next night, Corby and i went to a mormon dance/house party. it was a BLAST! if you have facebook there are photos of my costume on there. i was a rock star and i convinced corby to be my lead guitarist!
speaking of guitar and things i've tried recently, guitar hero is SO MUCH FUN! my great idea though, is that we somehow combine guitar hero, DanceDanceRevolution, and there is a karaoke video game like guitar hero and DDR, along with a similar drum and bass game to get a complete concert! can you imagine trying to just play ddr and guitar hero at the same time? this might cause a seizure though....
it's nice to have this blog set up, i wouldn't know about anything going on if it wasn't for this! thank you!
love ya!
*Meg xoxo
i had two tests this weekend (friday and monday), and i feel pretty confident about them! i should though, all the information was really easy.
have any of you experienced the phenomenon that is longboarding? it's a big craze here on campus, and i rode on for the first time last week. i'll be honest, i am terrible! but it's still fun. i just need more practice.
halloween was a lot of fun for me. friday night we had an institute dance and then Kimball, Corby and i all hung out for the rest of the night before Kimball left at 4:30 for hawaii....-tear-. in order to not cry my eyes out all night the next night, Corby and i went to a mormon dance/house party. it was a BLAST! if you have facebook there are photos of my costume on there. i was a rock star and i convinced corby to be my lead guitarist!
speaking of guitar and things i've tried recently, guitar hero is SO MUCH FUN! my great idea though, is that we somehow combine guitar hero, DanceDanceRevolution, and there is a karaoke video game like guitar hero and DDR, along with a similar drum and bass game to get a complete concert! can you imagine trying to just play ddr and guitar hero at the same time? this might cause a seizure though....
it's nice to have this blog set up, i wouldn't know about anything going on if it wasn't for this! thank you!
love ya!
*Meg xoxo
Monday, November 5, 2007
St George
Hello Everyone
We have survived another Tournament. We played in St George last weekend and had tons of fun. Both teams played ok. Daphne's team we think ended up 10th out of 18 and Hanalee's team 5th or 6th out of 9. Hanalee pitched a few no hitter games, infact the games I got to see, she pitched mostly strikes. It was fun to watch her in her groove. I even got to see her hit her first home run and of course I didn't have my camera with me. She had tons of fun and was really upset when we got home last night that they didn't win it all.Daphne played really will she is hitting great and first base is a great position for her. She always has fun playing and just lives for the game. Daphne doesn't get as upset about not winning it all as long as she improves and has fun who cares. Of course the victory is Awesome. Miles as always was a real trooper and just loved to play with all the siblings. He gets to play with little supervision and eats nonstop. He is such a supportive and patient little guy.
Lynn took his P.E. test on the 26th of October. He said it was brutal. We will let you know when he gets his results. He is still working OT and working with the softball teams. He loves to coach. I'm still just trying to keep up with everyone. I have been working on a few crafts and scraping when I can.
We will send a few pictures from St George and Halloween when I can figure that out. Jose, that is an awesome picture of you. We hope that you have had fun playing ball this fall. And Cody that was a crazy game we got to watch.
We love and miss you all tons.
The Softball Clan
We have survived another Tournament. We played in St George last weekend and had tons of fun. Both teams played ok. Daphne's team we think ended up 10th out of 18 and Hanalee's team 5th or 6th out of 9. Hanalee pitched a few no hitter games, infact the games I got to see, she pitched mostly strikes. It was fun to watch her in her groove. I even got to see her hit her first home run and of course I didn't have my camera with me. She had tons of fun and was really upset when we got home last night that they didn't win it all.Daphne played really will she is hitting great and first base is a great position for her. She always has fun playing and just lives for the game. Daphne doesn't get as upset about not winning it all as long as she improves and has fun who cares. Of course the victory is Awesome. Miles as always was a real trooper and just loved to play with all the siblings. He gets to play with little supervision and eats nonstop. He is such a supportive and patient little guy.
Lynn took his P.E. test on the 26th of October. He said it was brutal. We will let you know when he gets his results. He is still working OT and working with the softball teams. He loves to coach. I'm still just trying to keep up with everyone. I have been working on a few crafts and scraping when I can.
We will send a few pictures from St George and Halloween when I can figure that out. Jose, that is an awesome picture of you. We hope that you have had fun playing ball this fall. And Cody that was a crazy game we got to watch.
We love and miss you all tons.
The Softball Clan
Friday, November 2, 2007
Hey, hey!
Okay, Nece, got to tell you I had nothing to do with posting the video. Took the expertise and wizardry of Stan and Jake getting it all together. Yeah, did you notice Stan B actually posted? Didn't think so. The cool thing about this game was we were two guys short the whole time (three, when one player had a mini anxiety attack and couldn't breath). The other team had 5 subs and played full team and scored twice in the first 5 minutes. We thought it would be their first loss for sure...and our boys, Mas Fuego, held them and went on the beat them by 2! We were sitting next to the Latino delegation and you should have HEARD them when Cody got fouled with no call! Oh my! I have nothing, sisters, nothing on the Columbians! They were all screaming, "REF! REF! REF! We have it on tape, REF!" It was so funny...though I thought we may get beat up on the way out...haha!
Halloween is way different here. And since we're on the edge of the development, we only got two kids...of course, last year in Utah we only got five. I think the holiday was a little tough for Josie. It was so different...with all the cultures, they don't dress up at school or have a party or anything. A lot of kids in Josie's class don't even celebrate it. Anyway, we fully intend to post more video...especially over the holidays. Let us know how Todd's interview goes...Love you all and miss you like Jamie girl is keeping me very busy, though...
Halloween is way different here. And since we're on the edge of the development, we only got two kids...of course, last year in Utah we only got five. I think the holiday was a little tough for Josie. It was so different...with all the cultures, they don't dress up at school or have a party or anything. A lot of kids in Josie's class don't even celebrate it. Anyway, we fully intend to post more video...especially over the holidays. Let us know how Todd's interview goes...Love you all and miss you like Jamie girl is keeping me very busy, though...
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