Friday, August 31, 2007


37 posts in August? That's fabulous. We started one for the Banks family and had 4...3 were bethany and's pathetic. Getting a little more used to knocking down the mud wasp nests. They freak me out because they look like they have a spider in it...I think they may paralyze one and stick it in there for food for the larvae...lovely. Just got our termite contract set up...since FL is 3rd in the WORLD (after losing ground to Hawaii for 2nd and Australia is 1st, of course) in termites. They say there are about two colonies per lot. Unreal... Stan and I are back in training. In order to meet our 25 by 50 goal, we have some catching up to do. So we're looking at the Space Coast at the end of November (the oldest marathon in FL), the Clermont (the newest's the first year) at the end of December and the Disneyworld, of course, at beginning of January. Figure we'll use them all for training...we won't be getting any PRs here this year.

Okay, I've been posting from time to time in response but not sure if everyone goes back to read I'm going to redo a bunch right here.

Mom, your comment about Tatum and Matlock had us recalling fond memories. Bethany said, "Every time I think of Matlock, I picture Grandma coming down the hall and around the pool table over and over again, doing her exercises during the show." And I have such vivid memories of that, which is wonderful. I loved reading your post and you better keep doing it! I can hear your voice and picture you typing when I read it and it just makes me so darn happy...and weepy...but what's life without a good cry now and then? We miss you terribly, Mom, and love you more!

Colleen, I'm a little jealous of your garden but not of the work involved. I told you they got our piano here unscathed, right? But they ruined our dining room table, because they didn't take the legs off and then piled stuff on top for the 2400-mile trip? Yeah, it was nice. And then when they brought one of the leafs in, it was raining so there were a few drops on top (and I mean a FEW); it was set flat on the carpet and, in less than a week, the leaf warped and molded because humidity doesn't disperse here. Grrr! Anyway, Cody is taking guitar at school and LOVES it. I'm still seriously pondering the webcam thing for Josie to do piano...she misses it terribly, Colleen, and even though she doesn't have the talent for it that Cody does, she has 3 times the drive. I told Larry I'm going to have to do it so he can help Cody in algebra if need be. Think about it, okay?

Stan, well, I guess there's nothing to say, right? Loved seeing the pic of you and Janet at the reunion. I hate to miss the volleyball...though I suck at it, for real. Write soon...

Lynn, you're as crazy as my Stan, except he was coerced into coaching this year...and then he has to cut our boy, can you believe it? Well, to be fair, Stan left it up to Cody, who was honest enough to admit that he needs more work and is definitely outclassed as a player...Stan has kids from 7 different countries on his team (their goalie, Juan, is a state-championship goalie...quite a player). Stan was concerned about Cody getting trashed by 6-8 graders giving him crap about only being on the team because his dad was the coach. So he's playing on the Inter-United Soccer Club (because they just can't have simple rec soccer here...that way it costs 275/year and a 150 for uniforms...but they are professional coaches) and they say Cody is a thinking player who will be great when he develops a leg. Anyway, hope your year is as successful as last year; I'm sure it will be. And Cody will be SO jealous that Daphne has a locker! He only has one for gym and it ticks him off. Yeah, Janell, grats on getting all the kiddies in school. Maybe someday you can take a little nap....

LaNece, good luck on the potty training, sister! That can be so maddening. How did the interview go for Todd? I'll bet it went great but let me know anyway. I don't think you can burn iPod songs unless you already have them in your iTunes. I believe I have tried...but our resident computer expert could verify for certain. My iPod is currently drying out. Remember when I dropped my MP3 player in the toilet at the airport? Apparently, it's a particular gift of mine. At least it was our toilet this time. What's wrong with me, anyway? The family pictures are beautiful and made me just a little teary. You look great, Nece.

Larry, so did you cry when you discussed the truck? Stick to your guns...I think that is bull, and how much money does he think he'll save that way, anyway? How about take away his big, fat bonus if he feels so strongly about it? And I know what you're saying about being cold at 80 degrees in the house! We're set for 78 and I think I need to turn it up. When we first got here, I felt like I was boiling and now we wear jackets and socks. Josie takes a jacket to school because the bus and the lunchroom are "Freezing! I'm not kidding, Mom!" The heat index is such a weird thing. One day it was 92 and felt like 108 because of the 80+ humidity; the next day it was 92 and felt like 98 because of only 39 %...which is low for here. They have fabulous thunderstorms around here...entirely different than Tucson. I think FL ranks up there in strikes a year. Anyway, Josie was all worried about it hitting the house because the thunder was booming and the windows were rattling, and Stan and Jake reassured her it would only go around the house. And, I kid you not, the very next day, not two miles from our house, was the home that got hit (probably as we spoke) with the ENTIRE top level burned out. Can you believe it? I'm so happy for Paige! She will love dance and be GREAT at it. Josie starts dance at the studio here next week and is very excited. And yes, I'm doing the very same job here with the same clientele. Jake got us a domain set up where the reporters can send the large wave files and it sends them an e-mail when we download it...very cool. So we're looking for new reporters soon...though the thought does intimidate me the tiniest bit. So you have to tell me what you thought of Eclipse, brother. >.< All my love to your family...

And Julie, well, if you were ever on, I suppose I would ask you how dance is going for Ally. Did Ann ever get the pictures or what? Are the DVDs available? Or did she perish in a murder-suicide after whacking that no-good hubby of hers? Write soon....

Tasha, I miss seeing you guys for soccer. How are things going for Nate? We tried to get the kids in here but it's a totally different $60, or whatever, for the year. You have to find a club team, which is EXPENSIVE, and then you have to go all over the state for tournaments! Plus, the players have to pitch in for the travel and accommodations for the coach if we have to travel. We found a team for Cody but not for Josie yet...which is good, because how could you ever see both teams? *sigh* Not sure what we'll do. Tell Hunter we got his request and will definitely be sending postcards...and tell Taylor to "RUN, RUN, RUN!" Please let us know how things are going with the team....

Lastly, Becky, it's always great to read your postings. Keep up with your ninja/sword thing (ha, ha!)...I'm not mocking, girl, that thing kind of freaks me out and I don't know why. Let's hope your next test is in Orlando or something...we just bought our resident passes to Universal/Islands of two years for the price of one and includes free parking...we'll go play for a day. All you Woods have a blast in Disneyland...did I already tell you that the entire Disneyland park (including California Adventure and the parking lots) would fit into the parking lot of Disneyworld? Yeah, I'm sure I did...just had to say it again...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Life Continues :) or ...

hey Mom it is nice to see you writing to all of us and to hear that Connor is doing so well, It looks like I inheritited your swallowing disorder I cough up a storm on a regular basis.

So a quick up date for the kids- First shall be last and the last shall be first. Paige went to after school dance activity Tap Kids for beginner tap dance :) she wants to do it!!! It is a free program and she will be perfect we are working on getting her shoes now. Heather is up every morning and is working as a journalist for the school paper, she works regular on her young womens medalion. Kaliey and Chelsea are on the High School swimming team and are on their way back from the first swim meet we expect them home around 8:00 pm tonight, we are looking forward to seeing how they have done! Corby is still working on driving cars but is also entertaining a looking for a job that has more than 27 hours a week available. He is also "thinking about serving a mission" that is such excellent news for us!! One can never loose hope, it would be a wonderful blessing in his life. Megan is still going to school at UA and is a wilcat fan now. I had to tell her the sad news that the football team is really a habitual disappointment and to become a rabid basketball fan used to huge disappointment in March and she can be happy. Actually UA is a pretty competative school in many sports so I cant rip on them too bad. But I do have several lunches on this weekends game with the cougars (i hope im not the one who has to live with disappointment here)

It is getting really hot here again not that he regular storms are coming to an end. Yesterday was 110 in town and today was just as bad. You know something is wrong with you when the your chilly and the house is 80 degrees. I need to go practice my guitar so I will catch you later.

Love you all.


Potty Training Trials

Well the potty training trauma's keep going on. We still are not having luck with the big number two. She only has a problem every once in a while with peeing her pants but yesterday was the first time she's actually pooped in a toilet and it was over at Julie's, I'm not sure what her deal is but it's really starting to annoy me (we all know how patient I am). I'm playing tennis twice a week and having a riot. Bethany maybe you should take this up to eleviate the boredom thing and it's a good way to meet new friends. Brooks has his first soccer practice tonight and is really excited. He's going to be playing flag football also, so I'm sure we will be plenty busy. This week seems to be going a little better for him in school.
Becky gave me a really good tip for the blogger and I'm sure you all already do it, but she goes down to her last entry and starts there so she doesn't miss any one's posting.
I hope Todd's interview goes well tomorrow he really could do with a change of scenery. Brooks just came in from school and would like to say to everyone "Hi, I had a really good day and I love everybody". He's pretty eloquent. What good kids I have.
Does anyone know if I can burn a c.d. from what I have on my ipod? I'm not very computer savvy.

Running and working!

Hello my family!

It is so great to see everyone getting on here and sharing their stories. It makes me feel at home. I really miss the laughs that we would all share around the dinner table on the b-day dinners. Can see you all now. :-) Things are going well here. Every once and awhile I'll have a hard time, because I don't really have an outlet for making friends right now. I can get pretty bummed and lonely, but it hasn't been bad since my client sent me work yesterday and says that she has more on the way. Can't begin to tell you how bored I was getting. In the weeks when I had no work I was able to complete the Harry Potter books. The 7th was amazing. I'm now reading Pride and Prejudice. Mom is going to make me read Eclipse when I'm done with it...I'll do it to humor her. That and because I have to know what she, LaNece, and Julie have been talking about on the phone.
Jake and I have been running the past few weeks. Although some weeks he would be so tired because of work that he wouldn't want to get up and run, and on those weeks we would only get one run in. This week, however, we have been very good. Three days of two mile runs, so 6 miles so far this week. We have a plan to walk for 2 minutes and then jog for 2, repeat. Next week we'll increase to either w-1, j-3 or if I'm struggling we will w-2, j-3. Today was the first time this week that I didn't struggle, and I can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me.
Jake is loving work. Dad has been so busy with classes and soccer. He and Cody don't get home until around 6, and if Cody goes to the club (soccer) practice then he doesn't get home until close to 8. He loves it so much though, and loves learning new things. Mom and I set up our website for our scoping and all that is left to do is the about us page and find a site to list on so that we may gain another client. I'm really excited for that because I need another client to keep my busy if Rossann has time when she can't work. So please keep your fingers crossed for us.
I love you all and miss you very much.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mom's Update

Dear family,
This is really stupid but I'm doing it anyway, your dad's in Wyoming working on the irrigation. I'm having fun trying to keep up with all the information that comes on the blog. It's really fun to hear from all of you and to know what you are doing. We love you all and will try to keep in touch. Update on Conner since Julie hasn't caught the blog bug yet. He ran his first race today, he did really well since he really hasn't ran all summer (he has been working full time all summer at Mulligans). He ran cross country which is a 5k he did it in 18 minutes and 48 seconds, not bad for his first race of the year. We are going to be putting up peaches here in a couple weeks that's always a process. We are going up to Star Valley this friday and staying through the following week. Matlock is still on the air and now Tatum knows when it comes on by the music. Talk to you later. Love Mom.


It's really quiet here at our house today. It seems weird that Daphne is in school. She was really excited.

I need to go hurry and run a few errands before Miles gets out of school. He hates to run errands.

Love You All


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Soccer Begins

Hello Everyone,

Tonight is our first practice of the season! Nathan is very excited. We have all new team members but 4 that played on Stan's team last year. So this will be interesting to see how things go. At least this way, the rest can't compare Nathan to the Amazing Soccer Coach Stan was, huh! Nathan will be awesome and he is looking forward to a great season.

Taylor I think is the most excited. He keeps asking who his coach is, and hopes that it is not a girl! He doesn't like girls much right now. It will be funny to watch him play. We are waiting for him to either run down the field and complain how tired he is while he lays down, or to push everyone out of the way so he can get the ball. Maybe we'll see both, who knows. It will be fun either way.

Whitney and Hunter are excited to start also. They are both at ages where the games get really exciting! I don't know who gets more excited during them, the kids or me. We go off track on the 7th. The kids are excited because we then leave to go to DisneyLand with Grandma.(who doesn't let us forget how many day until we go!) Nathan isn't so sure the closer it gets. I think his mind is on the big goose hunt coming up.

It is so fun to hear about everyone. Whitney hopes Josie got her letter and will write soon, or if her email account is still active. Let us know.

Love you all!
Tasha and Family

Sounds Like Everyone is Busy

Hi! from the Wood household. It is a very busy time of year. With the wind down of summer and the start up of school and fall sports schedules.

Our garden seems to just kicking into high gear. We are picking tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers about every third day. A large basket full. But between giving a few away, salsa, and slicing them we haven't needed to start bottling yet. But I think that is about to change. Our giant pumpkins are getting very sizeable.

I am looking forward to a weekend in Star Valley. This is my do nothing weekend. A few days of reading, puzzles and games will recharge my batteries for a few more months.Jack and the boys (Tim and Nathan) will be in Lander Wyoming for the early goose hunt. They have been driving up there every Saturday morning (4:00a.m.) for the past two weeks to scout out if and where the geese are. Wish them luck. The season opens Sept 1 and closes Sept 15 I think. I have alot of transplanting to do in September.

If anyone wants Day Lilies or Siberian Iris come on over.It feels so incredibly good to have the 100's over with for this year.

Busy but Happy

Monday, August 27, 2007

Softball clan update

Hello Everyone

Its great to have Larry and LaNece and their families on the blog. I think this is tons of fun.

Just a quick update on our family.

Lynn has his new team up and running. He has 9 girls on the teams and is hoping to add a few more this fall and winter. His team name is the DC Dynamite. He stays really busy at work and softball. Sometimes Miles and I wonder who he is.

Daphne starts Jr. High on Wednesday. We have been to the Jr. High at least twice a week working on the locker issue. Today she got it on her first try. YEAH! Her softball team played in Payson a few weeks ago and they took fourth or fifth. She played really well at first base and I think she had earned her spot. At the games on Saturday she was a hitting machine, it was the best I have seen her hit all season. I'm really hoping that it continues. Daphne is really nrevous about starting Jr. High but I think she will enjoy it.

Hanalee is doing really well in fifth grade and reading tons. She doesn't really care for homework and trying to have her get it done before softball practice has been a challange. Hanalee is really excited for the Fall Softball League to start so she can try out her pitching on some older girls.

Daphne and Hanalee will be playing softball every Wednesday the month of September.

Miles is loving Kindergarten and has made some new friends. He loves going, but he does ask every morning about going off track. Miles starts soccer this week and he also plays every Wednesday for the next eith weeks. He is so excited to play soccer.

Miles and Hanalee go off track this Friday. So I get two and a half days with no children home. And then I get Miles and Hanalee everyday for three weeks.I was hoping to go to the gym and exercise in the mornings while the kids were at school. Maybe in October.

I'm trying to keep track of everyones schedule and making it to all the games. I also picked up another day at the Temple and I now work every Wednesday and alternate Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Fridays. It has been crazy. I was really hoping that our lives would slow down this Fall. It's not happening.

We love and miss you all!


The Softball Clan

Sunday, August 26, 2007

An Arizona Update!!!

Hey ya'll!!! Just wanted to make a post on the news for the past little while!

Before we do have a few questions from previous post:
1- Lana are you doing the same thing that you did in Utah? Transcription?
2-I personally like using the wasp and hornet killer it is incredibly effective has a thicker stream than starter fluid for in flight knock downs. And you can stand back 5-10 feet which is comforting.
3-Who took your family picture and where did you take them? They are great!!

The kids are back in school full tilt. Which means they have been there long enough they are sick of going already. Kailey and Chelsea joined the Swim team down here. Thursday this week is there first meet. Practice keeps them out pretty late on a regular basis, they don't usually get home until 6-6:30 each night. They are busy with HS stuff Chelsea is working on graduating a year early with Kailey and so is academically loaded heavily and Kailey says she can't wait for her senior year to take some fun classes. Michelle is laughing at me typing (if you have ever seen me it is a few letters forward and a couple back spaces) Could never make a living typing.

Heather is busy as the junior high and is a journalist at the school paper, she seems to enjoy it. She is so tall. Paige is busy keeping us in pain while she is reading, progress is coming but it is really frustrating to her when she doesn't recognize the words immediately. Corby has a new job, and a new attitude for money. He is working at an auto auction about 35-40 hours a week picking up and dropping off cars that go through the auction. He calls when he gets a new car he likes like a Gt mustang or RX8, but mostly drives junkers. Megan started at the UA on Monday, She has dropped her Russian class which makes me happy she had a huge load of 17 hours with 2 labs, her declared major is Molecular and Cellular Biology. She is still looking for work (i don't know how she is doing it) Peter is on the way!

As for me work has been a load as usual. I am finishing my week as super duty witch is the primary responder for after hours supervision. It usually involves a ton of hours during storm season and my week has been no exception with an all nighter on Friday night again. The worst part is that it canceled a temple trip we had planned with the kids to Mesa. Little on the work front some executive thinks that he is going to improve the companies financial performance by taking drive home privileges from the employees. I have passed the word on already this would be a BIG problem for me in that I already believe we should get full personal use of the vehicle with in 100 mile radius of Tucson. So we'll see how the whole thing works out, my General Manager asked me not to cry before I was hurt when I told him I wanted an opportunity to discuss my feelings about the process and the decision with the person who made the decision.

Well better let you all go. Love you all.

Larry and Michelle

Saturday, August 25, 2007

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Andreason Update

Well we are officially potty training!! Tatum has been doing really well with the #1 it's the #2 she's having issues with. HELP!!!! If anyone has some words of wisdom on this I'm all ears. We had our family pictures done this last week so I'll post a couple of them. Brooks is doing well we start soccer practice this coming week. He's really excited, but our practices don't start until seven o'clock at night so that's a little later than we're used to. I had to meet with Brooks principal and teacher about some issue's going on. I finally got to experience the bureaucracy of elementary school. A lot was explained but not a lot of anything besides that. Oh well, we'll see how this up coming week goes. I started making zucchini bread today, there's not a lot of things that smell better than that baking. Todd has an interview at the end of this week with the new lodge in Park City. I hope it goes well for him. I'm still playing tennis and running, I've been playing twice a week with a group of people. It's great fun and good exercise the thing I like about tennis is that you exercise without really realizing it. That's always a plus for me. Lana I have a great book for Cody to read it's called Little Britches, Pa and I were ranchers. It's a wonderful book. Lana and Stan I saw Stewart and Amy last week at Iggy's, it was nice talking to them. To let everyone know I am going to be doing our immediate family book (like the Robinson Recollection book) next year for Christmas. So Lana and Larry's clans I'll need you to email me in the upcoming months (six to eight) some of the pictures mom gave us all back a couple years ago. Love everyone,

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just checking in

Hello all

Just a quick note to tell and the Floridians we miss you too (and the Arizonians if that's a word). At birthday dinner on Sunday it was quite lonely almost. Not so many running around anymore. Oh well, change is good (I think)?? I was sad not to have Stan around to pester everyone.

Weird about the no teacher for Josie I have never heard of that happening. I hope one shows up soon.

As for the wasps my dad and Timmy swear by starting fluid. i think you get it at like and auto store maybe Checker or whatever they have down there.

Good to hear that Jake's job is going well. Always a good sign when you can show them something that the system does that they didn't know about within the first week! Keep up the hard work Jake.

As for me everything is going great. The count down to Disneyland is at 17 days and counting. I am so excited!!! Work has been extremely busy we have a girl out on bed rest and 2 other people at my desk were on vacation and we were slammed but I got through it. I have been making card for my card exchange at work which is lots of fun.

Has anyone seen that game show on CBS called The Power of Ten?? It is really interesting. I find the questions that they ask fascinating. Me and Mom have a fun time trying to guess the percentage. Last night they asked what percentage of Americans would a agree with a law mandating having your driving license revoked at a certain age. Mom and I thought it would be really high. It was only 38%. Anyway I thought it was a cool show.

Hope everyone is well

FLA update

Greetings from humid Florida! Things here are starting to settle into a groove, which is good. It will be better when Josie actually has a TEACHER! UGH, it's frustrating. But I'm pretty sure when they don't pass the background check, I don't want them teaching my child. Doesn't make it less frustrating, though. But she's found some new friends, which is a blessing. She's so social and it was killing her without anyone to play with...and I REALLY don't like it when she's trying to hang with the 12-year-old boys.

Stan has been holding tryouts for the school soccer team, and Cody is being recruited pretty heavily to play on at least 3 club teams. (They run their soccer ENTIRELY different here; it's a bit odd...) Stan will probably have kids from at least 7 different countries on his team. The diversity is just amazing. Work is plugging along for me...Bethany is waiting for Rossann to get back to it. Jake has designed our web site and we have a domain and everything. Just a few things left to do and we'll advertise on a site to pick up a couple more clients...and probably wish we only had our two again. Looking forward to the challenge.

Cody is meeting a few people, though he's starting to feel like a real "nobody" in the big new middle school. He told his dad that he can sit at a table full of kids and lunch and "It's like I'm not even there, Dad. I'm nobody." But he'll be all right. He's just so eager to be in the thick of things so quickly...he just has to be patient. He was also used to knowing EVERYONE in his class since 2nd grade and that's changed, for sure.

Anyway, all it well for us. I realize we'll be in an all-out war against wasps building on the side of our house. Wish us luck...miss you all terribly...


Monday, August 20, 2007

Looks like everyone had a good time.

The pictures look great! It looks like everyone had a blast. Things here are going well. Cody and Josie started school today. Josie has made a few friends and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Although she has no teacher as of yet. She had a substitute today and none of the other teachers seem to know when they will have a teacher lined up for them. We are thinking the original teacher didn't pass the background check. Cody said that he was only able to make one friend, but he still enjoyed his day. I told him to get out there and start talking with classmates before the class starts and after it is over. I told him that if he just hangs back and waits for people to come to him then he might be waiting a while. I haven't been getting work from my client but hopefully with her son being in school she will get more work, and in turn, send some work. Jake is almost done with a website for mom's business so soon we will be able to put that on a list of scopist and get some more clients our way. Until that happens I'm going to clean the house once a week for some extra cash...well, busy or not I'm going to clean once a week.
Jake had his one week review last Friday and did excellent. His coworkers and his boss had nothing but good things to say about him, and he was even able to show his boss something new on the software the company uses. It was a pretty busy day for him today and he is very tired. We have been jogging in the mornings which has been great. Although last week was a bust because I strained my ankle and could hardly walk on it for a while. So far my ankle is doing well. We ran this morning and it has been hurting on and off...hopefully it won't cause any problems with our run tomorrow.
The weather has been grand. 92 today, but the heat index caused it to feel like it was over 100. I can't complain though, because with the breeze it wasn't that bad at me anyway. So when are people going to start coming down to visit? You can watch the fireworks from Josie's room with us, or we can take a quick stroll down to the park. I love you all and miss you all. Can't wait to read what is going on in your world.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Regan and Aunt Audrey

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Robin and Aunt Carole

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Uncle Merrill

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The best swing in the world

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Aunt Joyce & Aunt Rose

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Stan at his best!

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Rain Storm

This picture is from a rain storm a couple weeks ago. Can you believe all the water on the basketball court? I'm going to be sending some pictures from the family reunion, we sure missed Lana and Larry's clans.
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Hello Everyone

Hi guys,

Sorry I didn't write earlier but just wanted to tell you guys how much fun the reunion was. It's always nice to reacquaint yourself with people that you haven't seen for a couple of years.

I spent alot of time visiting with Jessie (Kim's oldest) and we had a long conversation about books. She is a buyer for all of the stores out at the SL International Airport. For any of you book fans. Fablehaven is a great series to start and Jessie said that the third book in the series is just about to come out! She also recommends a series called Uglies, Pretties, Specials. They are each individual books but she said that it deals with a lot of societies fascination with beauty.

For any of you history buffs or civil war fans, Kory gave me a list of books (at this very moment I can't find but I will let you know when I do). He said that they are the best books that he has read! That's always promising.

I just finished reading a spin of book from pride and prejudice titles Darcy's Story. For any pride and prejudice fan I would highly recommend it. It was well written and interesting to see the story through Darcy's perspective.

As for life things are going well. My job is a job but money is always needed to do things that I love. My mom is taking Nathan, Tasha and their kids to Disneyland Sept9-Sept13th, I decided to include myself in this fun too. We are all excited to go. ONLY 23 more days until we are there.

Maybe one day we will make it to Florida to Disney World!! That sounds like lots and lots of fun!!!

Hope everyone is well

Tatum with farm cat 2006

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Yeah I can finally do the blog

Bethany thank you so much for signing me in. We are doing well here. Brooks has already started the 1st grade and besides some homework issues is doing well. Tatum is scheduled to start preschool after Labor Day but she still refuses to have anything to do with potty training. So we'll see about preschool. Larry it's so nice to read your info, I agree I loved the 7th Harry Potter, she couldn't have ended it better. Todd is looking at another job at a different hotel in Park City we'll see. He says he really needs to get out of Steins but I think he's a little co-dependent with that place. I'm going to try and post a picture from (it's a free and great program for your pictures.

Welcome Larry!

Hello all! Just a quick note to let Larry know there is spell check on here. It is up above where you type next to the add image button. :-) LOL I'll write more later. I have to figure out how to close my Utah bank account...This might be fun.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Snake thingy

Lana the rhyme goes like this "red on yellow your a dead fellow" coral snakes for your reference are very small full grown are 18" and the size of a pencil in diameter. I have also been told that they are shy and reclusive snakes. (we have them here too) a friend says thy would be hard pressed to bite you any place but on the finger.

Hilarious note on the honey by the way and you will get used to the heat! :) took us a couple of years.

Does this thing have spell check if not I'm in trouble!! Ahhh there it is. (Stan and Lana would have been mortified) the grammar is bad enough.

Later love Larry AKA LLL

Larry & Michelle

Hey!!! Looks like we made it (in Barry Manilo form) LaNece says she will get internet access soon. I have been busy at work as always. By the way happy birthday to Lana and Lynn sorry for not calling. The kids are all well. If some one can walk me through attaching photos i will post some of the digital photo's Michelle has taken.

Weather has been hot and humid (don't laugh stan!! I know humid lol). As you all know I have canceled my accounts for World of Warcraft. In my spare time I have read Harry Potter 1, 6, and 7 and Eclipse. All were good although I would have to say that HP 7 was the best. Love you all glad to hear that you are settling into Florida Stan.

Love you all Larry
Robinson Kids July 4th, Pason Lake 1975
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Some Cute Young Chick

I have been scanning some old pictures from 1975 and came across this one of Lana fishing at Pason Lake, July 4th. I thought you would enjoy. Hopefully the picture goes this the text. We shall see.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Er, Montana rather...

Yes, I belated realized the reunion was in Wyoming...still more cool than here....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just a note:

I'm thinking of you all in Wyoming and am a little jealous of what must be a cooler climate than here. Ah well...guess I'll go to the pool. But seriously, I wish we could be at the family reunion. It seems too long since we've been to one.

All is well. We are starting to adjust to the heat...a little. The kids can't wait to get into school...their MOM can't wait for the kids to get in school. They need something to do and need to meet some friends. Stan has started school, though he has not been able to get into his classroom yet. Oh, and guess who the new middle school soccer coach is? Yeah, they pretty much gave him no But it's only 6 weeks, including the district tournament. It will be awesome.

Thinking of you all. I am so glad we have this set up and we'll get an invite to Larry ASAP. But right now, I'm off to the pool. I love you and miss you all.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Happy Birthday August 11

Happy Birthday to Lynn and Lana. We won't mention ages.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hello Florida

It is good to hear that you are settling in. Lana how did the piano fare in the move? Jake congrats on the new job. This has got to be so exciting. All is well here in the dry west.

LaNece and I just bought a travel trailer together, it is kind of a time share. In fact we bought the trailer from Jamie and Rick. It is a 26' Dutchman and in great condition. We are taking it on it's maiden voyage to the family reunion.

Hey Jake, did you send a blog invite to Larry, if not can you. Please!

The Wood Family is all doing well. Whitney and Hunter started back to school July 25th. I think we are planning a family camp out at Mill Hallow next weekend. Tim is on his way to Reno to the Hot August Nights car show for the weekend. The rest of us are headed to Bedford.

I can't tell you how excited I am about the book the LaNece put together for the reunion I am going to try to attached a link. Take a look. She will be taking orders I am sure. I think this way of scrapebooking some events is the way for me to go.

Talk to everyone later.


First short observations from Florida

1. It is very HARD to run in the Florida summer heat (even if the sun hasn't come up yet). It's like running underwater and breathing through a bad regulator on an almost-empty tank.

2. There's a whole world of bugs I've never seen in my life...and probably would have preferred never to see.

3. Gators are cool, and we've seen them 4 out of 5 times while running...little ones. I'm sure my awe will have the edge of fear when I see a big one.

4. I'm more worried about the poisonous snakes we'll see out when the weather cools...cottonmouth rattlers, coral snakes and water moccasins...YIPPEE! Which one is the bad, red on black, yellow on black, white on red? I don't know, but we need to find out.

5. I probably should be more worried about the poisonous frogs. I'm sure they're the pretty ones we see. Cody picked up a slimey one because he didn't want to hit it with the mower. Oh my, we better do some research.

6. There's a lot of hoops you have to jump through to get ANYTHING done in Florida.

7. It's very crowded here but we managed to find a quiet spot.

8. I already got bawled out by the garage men. That was fun. Of course, I stopped feeling bad that they had to lift our broken honey bucket into the back. (Yeah, the movers LOVED that! They thought we had moved some toxic waste and were scared and outraged. Then their driver got to give them no end of crap when Stan walked out, stuck his finger in it and put it in his mouth.)

9. Southern folks sure know how to razz each other.

10. Yeah, we're definitely not in Utah anymore...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Jake's Job Interview

Hello family!

I just wanted to let you all know that Jake's interview went really well and he got the job! He said that it has a similar vibe to the place that he worked at in SLC. So that is GREAT!! Our stuff made it in yesterday and the moving people in Utah didn't pack the truck right in certain spots, like our nice dining room table, and it is now bowed inward and we won't be able to use our leafs to lengthen it, and it was a custom stain so we will have to get a new dining room set. That was kind of aggravating. Other than that things made it here unharmed.
It rained all day yesterday and it was so beautiful and it was so cool outside! We saw a baby gator in the pond across the street and another today in the pond down the street. It was amazing to see. There have also been a lot of frogs. We had a lime green tree frog hanging out on our lanai for a couple days. It has been so nice here and the people are extremely friendly. Can't wait to see how things will get better.
Monica came down and had dinner with us tonight. It was a lot of fun and she may come down on Sunday. Which will be great because tomorrow we will get our new couch and our new washer and dryer! Woot!
That is all for now my family. We love you all and miss you so much. Hugs and Kisses